Fiction | Fantasy

Fuchsia Fire And The Purple Lake

An all-powerful, evil dragon must be stopped… but it won’t be easy… and it won’t be painless.

Stephen Kramer Avitabile
Short Shorts
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2023


Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

A dry wind raises dusky dirt off the barren land and flings it about. I squint. Dirt specks pierce my corneas… but I keep my eyes open… for I see it.

50 yards ahead, 50 yards up in elevation, the purple lake. No one has ever reached it. The dragon keeps a close watch over it. The dragon drinks from the purple lake and it gives her powers; she cannot allow anyone to be as powerful as her.

But my plan is working. I stole one of her eggs and placed it in the village for her to see. Her shadow engulfs the village as she hovers above, swooping down and unleashing her fuchsia fire onto the tops of the houses.

She’s distracted. I look back… my village… up in flames. Villagers scatter and sprint like many fearful ants. The dragon is preoccupied with exacting revenge on the villager who stole her egg by letting her fire swallow up every last corner… leaving the purple lake unguarded.

Just as I turn back, ready to make a run for the lake, ready to dip myself in and absorb its powers… I sense darkness. Clouds and smoke shield much of the sunlight in the sky… but something else is now…



Stephen Kramer Avitabile
Short Shorts

New-England-Born, LA-Based, Universally-Locally-Residentially-Unknown Writer. I have my Yellow Belt in Wordsmithery.