Green Thumbs

A gardening story

Maria Marais
Short Shorts
2 min readDec 10, 2022


Photo by Nikola Jovanovic on Unsplash

Mary had always been fascinated when she saw people gardening, but she had never tried it herself. But this all changed when she was given a lavender plant for a birthday present. She was determined to give it her all, so she took extra special care of her little lavender friend.

She made sure to water it regularly and give it plenty of sunlight. And before she knew it, the lavender grew into strong and healthy plant. After seeing the success, Mary was eager to try her hand at more plants.

“Could I please have some petunia, agapanthus, rosemary, and strawberry seedlings?” Mary asked the assistant at her local nursery.

“Certainly,” said the assistant, very eager to help, “how many of each would you like?”

“I think I’ll start with three of each,” replied Mary, already planning where she was going to plant them in her garden.

Then, as the months passed, Mary’s family and friends began to visit more often to see how her garden changed. She even taught her grandchildren about all the different plants and how much sunlight and water each one liked.

“Oh, wow!” said Mary’s neighbor, wiping her mouth, “how did you get your strawberries so sweet and juicy?”

“It all comes down to giving them the love they deserve,” said Mary, giving her neighbor a jar of freshly homemade jam that she made that morning.

“Mary—” said the neighbor as she took the jar gratefully, “look at your thumbs!”

Mary gazed down at her thumbs and noticed something extraordinary — they had started to turn green. She couldn’t believe it at first, but the evidence was clear — she officially had green thumbs!

From then on, Mary was determined to nurture her garden to its fullest. She was proud of her newfound green thumbs and the ability it gave her to create a beautiful garden.

She even started a community garden in her front yard for everyone to enjoy. Mary couldn’t believe it — people came from all over to join in and garden together. Soon enough, the whole neighborhood enjoyed fresh fruits and vegetables, and pickles and preserves.

Mary’s green thumbs were here to stay.

© Maria Marias 2022



Maria Marais
Short Shorts

Avid reader, gardener and visual artist originally from South Africa, now living in Australia.