Fiction/Short Story

I Will Seek Vengeance

A tale of betrayal and retribution

Izzibella Beau
Short Shorts


Photo by Nice M Nshuti on Unsplash

The church was silent, a stark contrast to the jubilant peals of laughter and joy that should have filled the space. Jacqueline stood at the altar, a solitary figure in her pristine white dress, surrounded by empty pews and scattered rose petals. Her eyes, once shining with excitement, were now pools of desolation.

Hours had passed since the ceremony was supposed to begin, and it was clear to everyone: Jacqueline had been left at the altar. The guests had trickled out, offering consolatory pats and murmured condolences. Her parents tried to usher her out, but Jacqueline stood motionless, her mind ablaze with indignation.

Jacqueline had been a strategic planner, always ten steps ahead, orchestrating her life with precision. This betrayal, therefore, was not just a heartbreak; it was a slap to her meticulously crafted existence.

As night fell, a sinister resolve began to form within her. Jacqueline wouldn’t just lick her wounds and move on. No, she would retaliate, ensuring that her runaway groom, Sean, regretted his decision for the rest of his life.

Jacqueline’s revenge was calculated and cold, crafted with the same meticulousness that she applied to every aspect of her life. Sean had been a rising political star, and his public image was his most valuable asset. Jacqueline decided to dismantle it, piece by piece.

Jacqueline began by leaking scandalous information to the press. Anonymous tips led to investigations uncovering shady deals and corrupt connections. Sean’s reputation was under siege, but Jacqueline was just getting started.

She exploited her knowledge of Sean’s deepest secrets and fears, gathered over years of intimacy. She sent him anonymous letters, eerily specific and laden with threats, ensuring that paranoia crept into his every waking moment.

Jacqueline used her network to isolate Sean. Friends and allies distanced themselves, spooked by the scandals and the unsettling rumors that seemed to surround him. Sean’s political career was hanging by a thread, his dreams turning into a nightmarish mockery.

Jacqueline’s vendetta became her obsession. She revelled in Sean’s gradual unravelling, each setback he faced fueling her sense of triumph. She was meticulous in her anonymity, ensuring that her involvement remained undetected.

However, as the months passed, Jacqueline’s satisfaction began to wane. Sean, once confident and charismatic, was now a broken man. His career was in shambles, his relationships were ruined, and his mental health was deteriorating.

One night, Jacqueline found herself standing outside Sean’s apartment, watching as he shuffled around like a ghost of his former self. A pang of something akin to guilt twisted in her chest, but she quickly stifled it. This was her revenge, and it was justified.

Jacqueline’s final blow was the cruelest: an orchestrated a letter, seemingly from an old friend of Sean’s, inviting him to a secluded location under the guise of offering help and support. When Sean arrived, hopeful and desperate, he found instead a room filled with meticulously curated evidence of his downfall—newspaper clippings, threatening letters, and a mirror reflecting his haggard face.

The realization hit Sean like a tidal wave. His life had been systematically dismantled, and in his heart, he knew that Jacqueline was behind it all. The betrayal, the humiliation, and the sheer precision of the revenge plot were all too familiar.

Sean’s spirit crumbled entirely that day. He withdrew from the public eye, a pariah in his own life. He committed suicide a week later.

Jacqueline watched from the shadows, her revenge complete. However, the taste of victory was not as sweet as she had imagined. Instead, it was ash in her mouth, the hollow echo of her own loss resonating within her.

In her quest for vengeance, Jacqueline had become a mirror of her betrayal, wielding pain with calculated precision. The malicious intent that had driven her actions had left scars on her own soul, a constant reminder of the darkness within.

Jacqueline’s story served as a testament to the destructive power of betrayal and the lengths to which a wounded heart would go for retribution. Her revenge, cold and calculated, was a double-edged sword, a victory that tasted suspiciously like defeat.



Izzibella Beau
Short Shorts

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond