
It’s a secret …

Sakthi Mahalingam
Short Shorts
2 min readNov 9, 2023


Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on Pexels

“Hey Vijay, please tell me your password. I need to get some details from your machine,” Navin requested.

“I can’t say,” Vijay replied.

“Please buddy. The IT team is using my machine to update a new version, and the boss is asking me to fetch some details regarding our new project,” said Navin.

“I can’t say, man”, Vijay insisted.

“Buddy, please understand my situation. I have to take the details to the boss in just a few minutes,” Navin begged.

“Buddy, I mean it. I can’t say!”, exclaimed Vijay.

“What are you blabbering about? Why can’t you say?! I just asked for your password. I could go with the ‘switch user’ option, but the problem is that I never used your machine. So, it would be a big process to fetch my details. I don’t have that much time. And, I forgot my Outlook password. So if you could just give me your password, I can get the details from your inbox,” Navin explained.

“OMG, ‘I CAN’T SAY!’. Why are you asking me for the same thing that I have already given you?”, asked Vijay.

“What? So is THAT your password? I will have you killed, man …”.

Vijay: 🫠😂



Sakthi Mahalingam
Short Shorts

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.