
Something delicious this way comes

Alex Godley
Short Shorts
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2023


Photo by Jane Doan:

It’s that time of year again!

A time of reflection.

A time of celebration.

And a time when one year transitions to the next.

I know it’s a little late, but the theme for the December story prompt is Delicious.

According to the thesaurus, synonyms for “delicious” include words like enjoyable, mouth-watering, scrumptious, and inviting.

Let your imagination run wild and see where the word delicious takes you.

It could be a fable about a fox frolicking in a luscious forest of trees.

It could be a tale recounting one of your character’s most enjoyable moments.

Or, it could be a story about a deliciously irresistible invitation.

It’s up to you.

However, your story should only be a maximum of 300 words in length (not including the title, subtitle, and kicker).

We call this fun-sized fiction.

The story with the most claps in response to this prompt will be added to the Short Shorts Featured list at the end of the month.



Alex Godley
Short Shorts

I’m a humble bard who likes to play with words and create new worlds. I also like chocolate. And cake.