Fiction/Paranormal/Short Story

Shadows Of Marshfield—Part 1

A Turner family tale

Izzibella Beau
Short Shorts


Photo created by author using DALL-E AI

In the quiet town of Marshfield, brothers Knox and Ryan Turner had grown up under the shadow of a family tragedy. Their mother’s mysterious and inexplicable death when they were children set their father, Henry, on a relentless quest for answers and retribution.

Knox, the younger sibling, had sought refuge in academia, pursuing a college education far from the haunts of his family’s past. Ryan, on the other hand, had stayed the course, walking in their father’s footsteps as a hunter of the unexplained.

On an unassuming autumn evening in Knox’s college dorm, the night is disrupted by an urgent knock on the door. Standing there is Ryan, his face etched with lines of worry and fatigue.

“Knox, something’s happened. Dad’s missing,” Ryan announces, a tremor in his voice betraying his concern.

“Dad? Missing? How? He’s always so careful,” Knox responds, a mix of disbelief and dread washing over him.

“I don’t know. He left a cryptic message; I think he was onto something big in Marshfield. I need you, Knox. We need to find him,” Ryan pleads.

With a heavy heart, Knox agrees, and the brothers embark on a journey back to their roots in their father’s old, battle-worn truck. The journey is silent, each brother is lost in their own thoughts about their past and the uncertain future.

Upon reaching Marshfield, they delve into the scant clues left in their father’s mysterious message. Local lore speaks of a Woman in Black, a vengeful spirit haunting the town’s outskirts, which may be linked to their father’s disappearance.

As night descends, they find themselves on an eerie, desolate road near the old cemetery, the air thick with an ominous chill. Suddenly, a ghostly figure materializes before them, her gown fluttering in a nonexistent breeze and her eyes hollow with unspeakable sorrow and anger.

“There she is, Knox. The Woman in Black,” Ryan whispers, gripping an iron rod—the makeshift weapon of a hunter.

Knox, feeling a surge of fear and curiosity, nods. “Be careful, Ryan.”

The spirit advances towards them, her mournful wails echoing in the cold night air. Ryan steps forward to confront her, but Knox’s hand on his shoulder stops him.

“Wait, Ryan. Look at her. She’s not just filled with rage; there’s pain, too,” Knox says, his eyes locked on the spectral figure.

With a hesitant pause, Ryan lowers his weapon. “What are you suggesting? We talk to her."

“Yes. Maybe we can help her find peace,” Knox replies, his voice steady yet empathetic.

The Woman in Black halts, her gaze fixating on Knox as he approaches. “We understand loss. We lost our mother too. Maybe we can help you find peace,” he says gently.

The spirit’s expression softens, and she speaks in a whisper, “My children … lost to my own madness.”

Moved by her words, Knox feels a kinship in their shared grief. “We want to help you; not just for us, but for you too.”

Ryan watches with a mix of skepticism and hope in his eyes as the spirit begins to fade away, her form dissolving into the night air.

“Thank you,” she whispers before vanishing completely, leaving a serene calmness behind.

The brothers stand in a moment of silence, absorbing the gravity of what had just occurred.

“Knox, I didn’t think that would work,” Ryan admits, looking at his brother with a newfound sense of respect.

“Sometimes, understanding and empathy are our greatest tools,” Knox replies, a faint smile crossing his lips.

Their journey back is filled with conversation, reflecting on their family, their past, and the unexpected turn of events. As they near home, they receive a call from Henry—safe and sound, explaining his unexpected absence due to a lead on another case.

The reunion with their father is a quiet but profound one. Henry looks at his sons, not just as children but as individuals who have faced their own demons and emerged stronger.

“Boys, I’m proud of you. Both of you,” Henry says with a depth of emotion rarely shown.

Knox feels a sense of closure and perhaps, a new beginning. “Thanks, Dad. It’s good to be back.”

Ryan, ever the hunter, claps Knox on the back. "It looks like we make a good team after all, huh? The Turner brothers, facing the unknown together.”

And so, the Turner family stands united, stronger, and more connected than before, ready to face whatever mysteries lie ahead.

In their journey, they not only found their father but also rediscovered each other and the unbreakable bonds of family.



Izzibella Beau
Short Shorts

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond