
Whispers In The Attic

The shadow-keeper of Crowridge House

Izzibella Beau
Short Shorts


Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash

In the quiet village of Crowridge, there nestled an old Victorian house known for its eerie charm and a peculiar attic room that had remained locked for decades. The villagers whispered of a shadowy figure that sometimes appeared at the attic window on stormy nights. These tales were dismissed as folklore, until the Karns moved in …

The Karns, a young couple seeking a fresh start, were enamored by the house’s antiquity. The real estate agent had warned them about the attic room, but their skepticism led them to ignore the tales. They decided to convert the attic into a study.

On their first night, while unpacking, they heard soft thuds from above. Assuming it was the house settling, they paid it no mind. However, as the nights passed, the noises grew more distinct: whispers, shuffles, and an occasional cold draft that seemed to emanate from the attic.

Curiosity overcame fear, and Mr. Karns decided to explore the attic. As he turned the key, a chill ran down his spine. The room, which was surprisingly well preserved, was shrouded in dust and cobwebs. He noticed an old rocking chair that seemed to sway ever so slightly, as if someone had just vacated it. A sense of unease overcame him, and he quickly locked the room, deciding to deal with it in daylight.

The following day, Mrs. Karns ventured into the attic. She felt an inexplicable connection to the room. In the dim light, she saw a faint outline of what seemed like a shadowy figure in the corner. Paralyzed with fear, she blinked, and it vanished. She convinced herself it was a trick of the light.

As days turned into weeks, these strange occurrences became more frequent. Objects moved on their own, cold spots appeared randomly, and an oppressive atmosphere enveloped the attic. The couple started to feel watched, and their nights were plagued with nightmares of a shadowy figure looming over them.

Determined to find answers, they researched the house’s history and discovered its chilling tale. The house once belonged to a reclusive artist, known for his macabre and unsettling paintings. He was particularly obsessed with a figure he referred to as “The Shadow Keeper,” which he claimed was a spirit that guided his hand. His final work, never completed, was for this entity.

It was said that the artist spent his final days locked in the attic, consumed by madness, painting frenetically. He was found deceased under mysterious circumstances, seated in the rocking chair, his last canvas before him. The painting was never found, and the room was sealed.

Realizing the gravity of their situation, the Karns sought help from a local priest. He agreed to perform a cleansing ritual. As they entered the attic, a gust of wind blew the door shut, trapping them inside. The air grew thick, and a sense of dread filled the room.

The priest began his incantations, and the room responded with violent shudders. The temperature plummeted, and the faint outline of the shadowy figure materialized; its form more defined, pulsating with malevolent energy. The rocking chair began to rock furiously as if an invisible force were agitating it.

In a terrifying climax, the figure lunged towards them, its form engulfing the room in darkness. The priest’s prayers intensified, and a blinding light filled the room, radiating from the crucifix in his hand.

Suddenly, the chaos ceased. The room fell silent, the oppressive energy lifted, and sunlight filtered through the dusty window. The figure was gone, and in its place lay a tattered canvas depicting a shadowy entity, its eyes filled with torment.

The priest advised them to destroy the painting, believing it to be the anchor of the spirit. As the canvas burned, the Karns felt a sense of release, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

In the aftermath, they sealed the attic once more, leaving its secrets buried. The house regained its peace, but the villagers still spoke of the strange occurrences in hushed tones. The Karns never fully recovered from their ordeal, forever changed by their encounter with the shadowy figure of the attic, a reminder of the thin veil between our world and the unknown.



Izzibella Beau
Short Shorts

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond