Another Reason to Shitcan Fucking Medium

Steve B Howard NOVELIST
Short Shots City
Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2023


Fuck this place. Take their money and bail

Photo by Evan Demicoli on Unsplash

If you don’t know yet, I just learned today, you can publish ficiton on News Break. I tried it with this short story and NB published it no problem. I did say in the title that it is a short story though.

So, if you write fiction like I do and have been wavering as to whether or not to leave this shithole, well waver no longer. News Break pays better than Medium and doesn’t force you to pay their subscription if you want to earn money there for your writing.

If you decide to drop this dumpster fire full of shit and come to News Break instead sign up here with my referral link. Hope to see you there soon.

