Father of Four Dozen

My lighthearted attempt at a humorous story about a man in Africa with multiple wives and many children.

By Sophia Lyimo 2/19/2024

Think your family is big? Meet Ayo — an amused Nigerian father gently beleaguered by the jaw-dropping demands of his three wives and 42 children! Can you imagine the mountain of daily dishes or keeping all those names straight? Step into the heartwarming chaos as Ayo’s compound brims with sticky hugs, incessant demands of “Papa!”, and more mischief than should be legal. This story will leave your heart full, nostalgic for the simple joys of childhood, and make you wonder if Ayo can handle just one more rambunctious kid!

Meet Ayo, a busy father of 42 from a small village in Nigeria. Ayo always joked he wanted a big family, but even he was shocked when his third wife Famke gave birth to their 15th baby!

With 3 doting wives, 16 daughters, and 26 rambunctious sons, Ayo’s compound is bursting at the seams with laughter and chaos once all the children are home from school. He affectionately refers to the swarm of small children circling his ankles, clamoring for Papa’s attention, his “little chickens”.

Mealtimes are Ayo’s biggest daily challenge. Cooking immense pots of Jallow rice or stew for dozens of hungry children, followed by scrubbing a small mountain of plates afterward makes Ayo secretly miss his days as a young bachelor! Not to mention frequently mixing up names or forgetting who is whose child.

When neighbors first meet his gigantic family, shock and pity flash briefly over their faces. But within minutes of being dazzled by toothy little smiles and inundated with hundreds of sticky hugs and greeted by his wives, the affect is the same — completely enamored.

While providing for his ample family keeps Ayo constantly busy via his cocoa farm, you’ll never see him without an amused half-smile watching his “little chickens” play. Mayhem reigns daily under his roof; but always with immense joy, unconditional love and frequent laughter that overflows into the hearts of visitors and nearby villagers. Just don’t ask Ayo to recall each child’s name without checking the family roster in his bedroom!

Exhausted but fulfilled after a long day, Ayo falls happily asleep amidst the faint sounds of his family settling into slumber around the compound. Sometime later, he faintly registers his 4th wife, Fatima, sneaking under the blankets beside him. “Sorry I woke you my husband, but I have some news…” she whispers. The moonlight glints off her smiling teeth as she waits for her husband’s reaction. Is Fatima’s news cause for joy or will 42 kids be Ayo’s limit? The warm African air carries notes of laughter and love throughout the sleepy village unaware of what dawn will bring…

As the night deepens, crickets sing their lullabies, and the village sleeps under the blanket of stars, Ayo’s compound buzzes with whispered excitement. The air tingles with anticipation, for in the heart of this sprawling family lies a secret yet to be unveiled.

Fatima’s news hangs in the air like dew on a summer morning, promising a dawn of surprises and possibilities. Will it be the pitter-patter of tiny feet echoing through the halls, or perhaps a twist of fate that challenges Ayo’s jovial demeanor?

In the darkness, where dreams intertwine with reality, Ayo’s half-smile widens into a grin as he contemplates the new chapter unfolding before him. With each breath, the night holds its breath, waiting to see if the rhythm of life will crescendo with the arrival of another bundle of joy.

But in Ayo’s world, where chaos dances hand in hand with love, one thing is certain: no matter the news, no matter the challenge, the bonds of family will endure, and the laughter of his little chickens will echo through the ages.

So, dear reader, as the moon watches over the slumbering village, let your imagination wander and your heart soar, for the tale of Ayo, the Father of Four Dozen, is far from over. Stay tuned for the next delightful chapter, where laughter mingles with tears, and the joy of family knows no bounds


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Sophia Lyimo - Author | Leader | Coach | Mentor
Short Stories and Humor

Accomplished leader of BA & tech enthusiast W/decade of experience in leverage emerging tech for Bus growth. W/a MA in BA in Tech Mgt and a BS Computer Science.