Corporal Johnson’s Party

Short Stories for Long Memories
1 min readApr 20, 2014


Corporal Johnson did not care that his mother wore her nice pearls with the black dress. It was the finest she had picked when her fashion beat hope.
He did not notice that most of his friends had gotten up early to be there.
It did bother him that his ex-girlfriend Katie did not show up.

Corporal Johnson did not care who signed the guest book.
It did not matter that his Uncle Stevie reeked of cheap scotch.
He did not appreciate how proudly his least favorite grandfather stood up in front as if he had won the award.

Corporal Johnson did not care about the lovely catered buffet.
He did not sample the dip that Aunt Rita only made for special occasions.
It was the marshmallows, she told everyone, that made it special.
Without them it was tasteless tragedy.

Corporal Johnson never heard the dry sobs of a broken father.
He did not incorporate the advertisment of their loss.
It did not bother him that they grieved at artificial stages.
He did remain a 22 year-old corpse.

