
Advanced Dental

Caleb Garling
Shorter Letter
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2017


Her responsibility was to sell invisible braces but without too much of a smile. Kindness can trigger flight in a vulnerable animal. Two men with soft powerful voices worked in shifts presenting payment options in a conference room by the lobby. The lobby had a bubbling water tank that slowly rotated pleasant colors. Sometimes she’d walk the stables of hygienist chairs and wonder whether Dr Said ever dreamed of installing a conveyor belt in the floor.

She’d catch up with her mom in Michigan.

Patients came into the office with all manners of pain and concern. Chipped tooth, sore tooth, grey tooth, yellow teeth, missing teeth, bleeding gums, receding/overgrown gums, sore jaw, locked jaw, bad breath, dry mouth, even tumors mistaken for cold sores and she’d sit in a rolling chair by their thighs noting the situation was severe but treatable. She shook hands when she sat down. She shook hands when she rose to leave, her grip following the same guidelines each time. Severe. But treatable.

The coupons for cleanings are a loss leader Dr Said explained at the staff meeting in his office at the end of the hall. A fisherman loses money on worms. But it’s important to remember we give people confidence to face their day fiercely. Dr Said often ended sentences with sensational adverbs. And almost all issues, receding gums and chipped teeth especially, the data’s showing more and more, are the result of bad alignment.

