America The Person’s F — ing Vocabulary

Caleb Garling
Shorter Letter


Of course America The Person made a rapist chief. The whole concept’s built around forcibly fucking people. Check out the language. You don’t even know how I mean the word!

First, the bigly original scam: A capitalist sperm nailed a Christian egg. Think of those parents! One says you own the world while the other says you’re a little jerk. Pretty confusing! Might make me erratic! Either way, government’s just been the immune system to stamp out infections since. Fasten everyone into position and caulk the edges with the booze-caffeine yin-yang — Are you under the influence — Of what exactly, sir? — and don’t be surprised Who Exactly rides into the sunset. It’s like someone smiling with a big white ivy league grin. Hold it — hooooold it. And an orange cancer bursts from their chest. Surprise! I was growing you! You weren’t growing me! Into what? Hopefully not pulling out of the Iran deal so we have A Scary Reason to invade the Middle East with our new ally Russia and control All That Oil, since after all, housing markets are screaming like it’s 2006 and No One’s Listening (🎶except people who will profit🎶) so we need something “stable” to keep us entertained during this wild-ass rerun in the mail.


So that word.

America The Person’s entire pathology in four letters. It’s big forbidden idea — the only one the TV programs can’t blast through a child’s ear. Why? Have we cut to your deepest insecurity, America The Person, does this sound combination expose too much about You, that “a good fucking” can either be someone’s best and worst experience? Better not remind ourselves that sex and exploitation built this joint, that the ambiguity of promise makes the two hum, how slang incriminates our psychology. Bro totally bang-slam-smash-rail-dominate-plow-screw-punished her last night. Don’t use beat and rape however –– those verbs are for sports, business and war. The real man stuff.

And yet the word fuck is so much more dexterous than these losers! A real Renaissance motherfucker. One of these real entrepreneurial fuckfaces. Fuck yes, fuck no, fucking pissed, fucking psyched, fuckin’ A, you fuckidy fuck fuck, fuck’s that mean — that’s vague as fuck? Fuck! America restricted Fuck’s flow and he leaked all over the dictionary. The mascot that indicates everything and now of course means nothing. Oops. Joke’s on you, Fuck. Regardless, we’ll just repeat Freedom and Democracy until they feel true.

2016 was a big session for America The Person –– real fucking breakthrough about the myths. That our happiness pursuit doesn’t run through symbolism, the whole shebang’s one more Ponzi scheme, one more Obviously Not True promise. The emotional dissonance suffocating with ladders to offices or heaven, where you Find Purpose and adjectives. That “It’s fine, it’s totally fine, it’s fine” to interact through glass nerve endings grinning with tap-tappy-ion channels. The architecture, furniture, gadgets these days — the “clean lines” a plea that life not actually be a very disorienting thicket. The “We’re all Americans” charade wanting to die because it’s only around to wage war and really, we’re too big for that old branding to make any kind of practical sense.

The Myths keep dying and the organism keeps shifting footing, grasping new straws, screaming hoarse until there’s nothing left but what there is. Identity’s always the last bit to go, the last word, as it were. Words and cash, pinning life around those two symbols makes ya bloated, insecure, quick to rage…. so if America The Person’s gotta slap on a mask, a godhead, Find A Face, it won’t elect “what it wants to be” or even “what it believes.” It will elect How It Feels.

Bloated, insecure and quick to rage.

He doesn’t just resonate with Americans because he’s “successful”. He resonates because he’s “successful” and still completely miserable. He’s the truth of the lie so many Americans are told to live, a personified fuck so mashed through American machinery that he’s been reduced to everything and nothing. He felt he had meaning once. But that’s been stripped away, bleached out of him. He’s going to die unfulfilled and he’s sad about it but he’s also pissed because he Fought His Way To The Top and it was just an empty room. Like when you tell a kid there’s something in your hand and –– surprise! –– nothing.


Donald Trump’s the American Dream personified. But he’s really the American Dream exposed.

