My Pictures

Caleb Garling
Shorter Letter
2 min readMar 8, 2016


She’d sent me this black and white picture of her in a long satin dress, laid out like a rose on the couch. I had no idea what to do with it. I’d shown it to Frank during lunch. He shook his head.

— I don’t know, tuck it away somewhere.

— That’s it?

— Yeah. Don’t let that brawd from Friday see it.

The next day I’d forgotten about the picture until I reached for a folder and the veneer rubbed against my thumb. I winced. I tucked it into a back pocket of my briefcase.

A month went by. I forgot about it, until one day when my brother called.

— Richey.

— Yeah?

— How a’ ya?

— Fine. What’s up, Mikey?

— Not much, hey, you going to ma’s birthday pah’ty?

— Of course. What kinda question is that?

— I dunno, you know, just checkin’. Hey, I was also wonderin’ —

— Hey Mikey, look, I gotta get back to work if you don’t have nothing else too important.

— No…okay. See you at ma’s.

— Yeah.

I was glad he called; I hadn’t gotten a present; I ran to Bloomingdale’s.

That next week at ma’s, Mikey was waiting outside when I pulled in.

— Glad you’re here, Richey.

— What’s with you, Mikey, ‘course I’m here.

— I know. Ma’s just been actin’ funny is all.

— Mikey, she voted for Hoover. What’d’ya expect these days?

— Yeah, I know, I know.

I walked in and set the earrings by the lamp. Ma never looked up. Didn’t say a word when I kissed her hello. Just kept smiling at my two cousins by her chair, patting their hands. More guests arrived and the party started, but still ma never said a word to me. We started opening gifts. Mikey gave her an embroidered pillow; and she got serving pans, pictures and books from other people.

Then it was my turn. She opened the earrings, turned them over and held them to her ear. Everyone was watching.

— Look good, Richey?

— Yeah ma, of course. Beautiful.

— You think so?

— Yeah, ma.

— I look beautiful, Richey?

–– Yeah?

__ Yeah.

Her face got real serious.

— Then why couldn’t you tell me that when I sent you my picture?

[Caleb Garling writes and edits Shorter Letter and is the author of The St George’s Angling Club, a novel about the outdoors.]

