Chapter 18 — Why Don’t You Get Me a Gift

Shortish Stories
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2018

For reasons unknown, the girl comes up with the date September 1stas the last day she is going to live with me. That worked great for me because I was starting my new job a few days later. Instead of going back to Brazil and taking care of her life back there, she decides that it would be a better opportunity for her to stay here to learn English and leave December 5th. She blames me for the fact that it will cost her thousands of dollars to stay here, but what she fails to realize is that if she wasn’t force to pay it now, I would have been the one paying those thousands of dollars to accommodate her here! Plus, nobody is forcing her to stay. I even offered to pay for her ticket back home and any fees it would take to change it. It would be worth the money to know that she is finally gone, but she refused. We finally agree upon finding her a study abroad family to stay with for the rest of the time. That way she could justify staying because she is practicing English. I gladly pay $200 to a company who specializes in situations such as these. I didn’t ask for her to pay me back, but in one of her rants she says she wants nothing from me, so she will pay me back when her money arrives from Brazil. I would have eaten that cost, no problem, but she offered to pay me back. So, for the past few days, she has been sleeping on the couch and I have been sleeping in the bed. Every other morning before my alarm goes off, she sneaks into my bed, latches onto me, and gives me a nice morning fuck. She knows that is my favorite thing. Some days she even has lunch made for me in the lunchbox she bought me. I see what she is doing. Today, she climbs on top of me while I’m lying on the couch and pries. “What do you know about Notebook computers?” “Well, they are cheap but great for school and little things,” I reply. She continues, “So if we were to look at Notebook computers you can tell me which one is better?” “Yeah, that’s what I went to school for,” I sarcastically reply. I am fine with helping her pick out a computer, but I was not prepared for what she was going to say next. “I have an idea. You should buy me a gift!” I roll my eyes past her and stare at the popcorn ceiling. I’m so amazed at the thoughts that go on in her mind that I can’t help but smile. This girl is nuts. After everything, she has the audacity to say I should buy her a gift. I decide humor her and listen to gift idea. “Instead of me paying you back the $200, why don’t we go to Best Buy and you show me a good Notebook under $200 and I’ll buy it for myself!” Go ahead and re-read that last sentence because I had to have her repeat herself when she said it. First of all, I don’t think she understands the definition of a gift. Second of all, she must be high if she thinks she is going to pull this shit on me. I feel like Lester, the father in American Beauty when he says, “You don’t tell me what to do anymore.” I smirk and ask if that is how she is going to avoid paying me back. Insulted, she jumps off of me and runs to the closet. I think it’s going to be another episode of the “I’m Leaving Show” but instead she marches back and throws a bill in my face. She starts yelling about how disrespected she fells. ”Don’t worry I will be gone soon and when I get my money I will knock on your door and hand you the rest.” I, frustrated with her tone and tenacious statements I grab a pen and envelope, lick a stamp and stick it to the front. “When you are gone I don’t want to see you again. Here is an envelop with my address on it. Send it to me.”

