Chapter 13 — Porno

Shortish Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2018
Photo by Pinho . on Unsplash

After that huge ordeal the other day, things have calmed down a bit. Lucky for me she is off her period and as horny as ever. The one thing I could never deny is that we have a strong physical connection. Ever since the first time we hooked up, she is not shy to tell me that she enjoys my touch. She even gave my dick a nickname. She calls it “Surprise” because she said because I am short, she was expecting it to be the size of her pinky, but she was pleasantly surprised when it was not. I like the nickname because now I can throw little inside jokes at her like, Hey I have a surprise for you ;-) Today she decided to get a little freaky with me. “Hey if you have a surprise for me, I have a surprise for you too” she teases. “Why don’t we watch a porno together!” I was a little caught back by her suggestion. I’ve never in my life watched a porn with someone else in the room let alone a girl I’m dating. It took me until college to even openly talk about watching porn with my buddies, I would never have dreamed a girl would be into watching it with me. I tell her all this while trying to contain my excitement. I wasn’t excited because I had been looking forward to this, I was more intrigued as to how this was going to happen. Before we get naked and into the bed, she wants to see what movie we are going to watch. I tell her I don’t have any porn on my computer because the Internet. She asks me to find something with a story and English subtitles so she can practice her reading. I’m sure it is safe to say that I am like every other guy and I do not watch porn for the cinematography. I don’t even know what the subtitles would look like for a porn! Although I do know a handful of “production quality” porn movies, I suggest we find something on instead. As I scroll through the page, a variety of sex acts and positions float across the screen. I tell her that for me I just like to see a girl getting fucked and ask if she is into anything specific. She tells me she likes it when a porn has a pretty girl in it. This is great news because I also like to watch porn with pretty girls! At this point she is satisfied that there is a variety of options and begins to undress. I quickly follow her lead and lie shoulder to shoulder with her under the covers. I continue to scroll through the options on my laptop, pointing and different videos. She critiques each and every video I suggest claiming that the girl is too this or the guy is not enough that. Eventually she gets tired of all these lame options and suggests I find a movie with Mandingo. The only thing I could say was “Haha! Daaaaamn!! Mother fuckin Mandingo?” It was hilarious to me that the girl even knew who he was. I’m not going to say I felt threatened by his baby fist, but I did kindly suggest downloading one of these “production quality” movies I forgo mentioning earlier. “It might take me a few minutes to download a movie, but I know I can find ‘Pirates’ which has a story and maaaybe subtitles.” I assure her. She agrees to the download and I torrent this movie in about twenty minutes. Unfortunately, but expectedly, the movie did not have subtitles. She had no idea what they were saying, but it’s not like it mattered anyways because it took me just about a full five minutes for her to make me bust. Would I try it again? Hell the fuck yeah! Like I said, I never imagined watching a porn with a girl, let alone my girlfriend. It was kinda like cheating with her watching. It was weird but awesome at the same time. I would definitely try it again, but probably not specifically to watch the movie. I would probably just put it on in the background for inspiration. I already have the porn lines down: Why don’t you unwrap this box, I have a surprise waiting for you inside. BAM!

