Chapter 20 — Taking the Snake Out of the House

Shortish Stories
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2018
Photo by eddie howell on Unsplash

Finally the day has come! The girl is gone! When I came home from work today all her luggage was missing. There was no sign of her anywhere. This started a couple days ago. We were sitting around talking about the different places she had seen through the study abroad program. She has denied the last four places she’s seen with another six she completely refused to see. It is becoming apparent to me that she is not really putting an effort into leaving. I muster up the courage to ask her what her plans are if she isn’t able to find a place by September 1st? “Ah, the study abroad lady will find a place. I know it.”, she excuses. I let this one slide, but I encourage her to ask some friends in school because the date is coming up soon. She accuses me of being pushy and reassures me that she will be gone. A few days later she denies some more places that she was shown. At this point I ask her again what her plan B was. She repeats the same answer as before. I push the envelope a little further. She repeats her answer with hint of annoyance in her voice. I decide to rip that envelope open. “What if the study abroad lady drives off of a bridge tomorrow? She is dead. What is your plan?” I sharply ask her. “I don’t have a plan. Is that what you want to hear? What is your plan since you know everything?” She quickly replies. A grin grows across my face and I say “Oh I have a plan. I will move you to a hotel and pay for one week. After that one week you can either pay the hotel to stay there longer of find somewhere else to stay, but at that point it is no longer my problem.” She gets upset at my bold but firm statement. In the morning she tells me she will find a place for herself without anyone’s help. She texts me to tell me she found a place and it is great and yada yada. I am weary that she was so quick to deny all these other places but now she found a place in a day when I put fire under her feet? When I get home she tells me more about this new found home. It is a shoebox down the street from her school. There were some conditions upon her moving such as a deposit according to her. I told her I would happily help her with anything she needs to move out. The next day, was an eventful day. First off, the apartment deal fell through. Secondly, she mentions that the secretary warned her that her month paid school was about to end. I ended up calling the school and buying the girl another month’s worth of classes. Finally, the girl tells me that she talked to her psychologist. She says that she worked out with the psychologist that the reason she is acting this way is because she is actually in love with me. I am astounded with what I am hearing but at this point, there is little this girl can say that will surprise me. I told her if she felt that this is love, she has a lot to look forward to when she really finds it. The next morning, I asked her if she was going to find another place or talk to the study abroad lady. She gets very upset and says that I am rushing her out of the house. “I will only leave when I feel comfortable to leave.”, she proclaims. I remind her that we agreed she would leave by a certain date and that I told her I had a plan for when that day fell upon us. This must have triggered a last ditch effort on her part because she went all in crazy. “You know what? You are really hurtful and you are putting me through some psychological difficulties.”, she insinuates. “I know that the law here in America works and that it would be on my side. You are just causing me too much psychological pain with how poorly you are treating me. I know if I went to the law, they would be on my side that this is not right.” This bold statement was the last nail in her coffin. I was so done with her at this point. It is one thing to embarrass me in front of strangers and vegetables. It is a totally different thing to threaten me and put my lifestyle and my career in jeopardy. At this point I didn’t know what this girl was capable of. I was scared that she would hurt herself and call the cops claiming it was me. I told her that this is beyond the limit. I tell her to do whatever she feels she needs to do, but come Monday, I want nothing to do with her. I take my stuff and I go to leave for work. She begs me to stop being so cold towards her and I simply respond by telling her I want her to leave. I head out without another word. Later that day I get a text from the girl saying she found a cheap hotel and she was going to be leaving that night. I simply replied with a thumbs up emoji. That thumbs up emoji was the last thing I ever said to her. When I got home it was almost too good to be true. I almost felt like I had too much room in my house without her being there. It’s rough that it had to end the way it did but we all made it out alive. And the most important thing is I achieved my mission: no babies!

