Chapter 15 — The Scandal Numero Dos

Shortish Stories
Published in
7 min readNov 2, 2018
Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash

Welp, she didn’t even wait more than two days to have another scandal. This one wasn’t as bad as the last but it still showed some of my weakness. This morning we fucked. That was because I wanted to. After the shower she says that she has to call her travel agent in Brazil. She is already nervous about her plane ticket. I use my calling card and dial the number seven times to no avail. I go into my room and start ironing my shirt. Halfway through ironing, which took about five minutes, she asks me to call the lady again. I ask her if I can finish getting ready first. “Put it on speaker then,” she rudely says. What she doesn’t realize is that I need to first call my calling card number, then wait for all these prompts before entering my calling card, then wait for another prompt and finally dial the number she gave me to dial. I tell her that I will need both hands to do all this and I am almost done. She replies, semi under her breath, “Ugh I can never get used to being treated this way”. I shove it off and finish ironing my shirt, which took all of 5 more minutes at most. After I was finished I picked up my phone and called the lady again. She talked to the lady and the lady said she would look into everything for her. No problem on my part…or so I thought. Little did I know trouble was festering inside of her. I knew something was up when she didn’t write to me all day until the end of class just to tell me that her ticket was pretty much resolved. She texted me saying that she is leaving the 5thof December and don’t worry it will pass fast and maybe after I will miss her. I told her to chill out and that I was happy. I got home before her. My friend Adam invited me to go out with him and some friends near the house. When she got home she pretended to be so happy. “Be happy because after December 5thyou and your friends can have a party because that is when ‘the stranger’ is leaving,” she sarcastically growls. I tell her to chill out again and remind her that I sent her a text saying I am happy. We chit chat about her walking around during the day. I’m not sure exactly where she went but she said she spent much time at a Brazilian restaurant in the area. After a quick chat I scooped her up and put her on the sink to showher I was happy. I gave her kisses and everything. She comes back and says, “Yeah be happy because before you know it your problem is gone”. WOW! Where does she come up with these remarks? Put on the gloves and let the fighting begin. She said we should go out and celebrate that she is going to be leaving so soon. I remark back that Adam already invited me to go out and she is invited too. This was not something she likes to hear. I tell her I don’t like the way she said that and she comes back saying that she feels like a stranger in my house. I ask her why she feels like that and she can’t come up with a straight answer. She constantly goes back to pointing fingers at my friends. I tell her to hold up because she came into the house with this attitude way before I even mentioned my friends. I didn’t event mention my friends before she started talking about being “my problem”. She doesn’t like to argue when she is wrong so she reminds me that she has to study for her test the next day. I told her I felt it is more important to resolve her issues with her boyfriend than to worry about studying. We fight more and more. She brings up studying again. I tell her, “Look we are either going to resolve this now and then you can go to study or you can find another place to study since that is what is more important to you”. She argues a little longer before getting pinned in the corner again and brings up studying. “If you had an interview or a Master’s exam tomorrow you wouldn’t want to waste your time arguing”. She is correct about that, however I can’t focus on studying knowing that I have personal problems floating in the air. I wouldn’t be fighting the night before an important test. I would either try to resolve it and when the situation got to an impasse, leave, or just try to resolve it as fast as possible. A little more arguing before she mentions studying a third time. “Look your studies are obviously more important to you than resolving your issues here so you should get your things and leave so you can study in peace because I can’t take this anymore,” I firmly state to her. She reluctantly gets up and opens the closest to pack. She gets on her soapbox again about how she won’t come back and that I will miss her someday. I told her that I don’t ever go backwards so if she is leaving I won’t worry about wanting her back. I also state that she is doing this to herself. To this she stops pulling clothes out and lies on the bed. She explains that she is tired of arguing and that I just don’t give up. She says that I think I am right and she thinks she is right and that is how it is. I tell her that is not how you resolve a conflict. Conflicts need a resolution. I ask if she thinks the conflict is resolved. She tells me she still feels the same way, to which I state that the conflict isn’t done yet since nothing has been resolved. After proving all her cases wrong or showing there is no concrete evidence of anything she is saying, she eventually tries to tell me it is because she feels I don’t like her, I just like being with her. I snap back at her like she did I. “Oh so this is all about your own insecurity, huh”. She eventually says yes to feeling insecure but probably more to appease me. I ask her what I did to make her feel this way. I show her all the ways that I have taken care of her and still take care of her to prove that I like her. I tell her I can go find any hoe on the street if I wanted to but I wanted someone special. I wouldn’t put myself through all this if I didn’t like someone. I ask her again to show me what I did to make her feel that way. “You are smart, you can figure it out,” she replies to me. I tell her that she is disrespecting me since I didn’t know the word for ‘insult.’ I tell her that I am not a mind reader. I can’t tell what someone is feeling. I ask her again why she feels that way. She replies that she herself doesn’t know why. I burst out and say, “You must think I am a magician because you want me to figure out something that you feel in which you yourself don’t even have a clue why you feel that way”. She actually laughed when I said this. I call her out and tell her she is laughing so much because of how ridiculous she is. Eventually I push her to the limit by asking her the same questions she doesn’t have answers to. She breaks down in tears and starts saying she wants her mom. She moves to the couch and I follow. I tell her that we will continue once she calms down, and I get her some water. Eventually she cleaned up and I basically state the facts to her. I tell her that she came into the house with a strong attitude for no reason. Until she realizes that she can’t just walk into the house and be rude, we will not be ok. I tell her that she needs to stop taking it out on me. I tell her that I am only arguing with her for us; so our relationship is better. I don’t like to see her sad. She takes a couple pillows and a blanket and lays in the living room. She says she is going to sleep here tonight. That is fine with me since that is the second scandal she has made this week and I’m ok with the space. We shall see tomorrow if she realizes that what I said was true and she can be very overbearing. If not, she will probably learn to fuck around with someone else’s life and regret leaving me. I told her I don’t go backwards so if she leaves this house, she is gone for good! I’m taking bets as to how long that will take. Any takers?

