Chapter 22 — Afterword

Shortish Stories
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2018
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

After everything I went through with the girl, I do feel like she made me more into a man. Now with this newly acquired manly feeling I am back in the regular dating scene and feeling more confident than ever. I’m still in disbelief that the girl is actually gone. I feel like every time I turn the corner going to my apartment she is going to be there with a fist full of bags and eyes full of tears. The very first weekend the girl is out of the house my old roommate has some girlfriends come into town. She decided to invite me out with them for drinks downtown. I meet up with them at a bar call Digital. When I get to the bar it is obvious that the three girls are the center of attention. Guys are literally lining up to try their hand at a cheesy line that may buy them more time with these angels. I knew two of the girls but the third one was this stunningly beautiful young woman that just struck me like a lightning bolt. She was a long haired, long legged, full breasted, spicy flavor of woman. I walk over to say hey and introduce myself to the new girl. After I buy myself a drink I wallflower at the bar next to the three of them dancing while guys continue to line up to try their luck. One by one they get shot down by these three beautiful women. “Ah the hunt”, I think to myself. I’m not with any of these girls so I’m not going to fight off the guys, but then the new girl walks up to the bar with a girl following her and gives me the “save me” look. I see a guy harassing her and he is not getting the hint that she is not interested. With my newly acquired man skills, I decide to save her. I lean over and bark, “Hey guy, it doesn’t look like she is interested so why don’t you move along.” He asks who I am so I stand between him and her and tell him that she is here with me. Noticing that she is not discrediting my claims, he starts trying to explain that he is just trying to get her to loosen up. I tell him I’ve been standing here listening and it is obvious that she isn’t interested in what he has to say so he needs to again move along. The guy goes on to explain that he just wants her to have some fun. At this point I’m fed up with him so I start to tell the guy off. “Listen buddy I don’t want to hear what you have to say unless you’re talking about which tequila to buy me. If you aren’t talking about two shots of tequila from that bottle for me and this girl, then don’t say anything else.” I yell while pointing to Patron Silver. The guy grabs the bartender and asks for two shots, hands the guy a twenty and disappears into the crowd. After the guy leaves this new girl grabs me and gives me the biggest hug. “Thank you so much for saving me! That guy wouldn’t leave me alone. I can’t believe you’re so feisty! I like that.”, she says as we cheers our shots of tequila. By the end of the night we are making out like prom kids. For me this marked the end of one chapter, and maybe the beginning of the next…

