Creating a new identity

Tom Keeping
Shortly Thereafter
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2018

Seven years of industry experience has developed a senior team and ethos that wasn’t previously reflected in Keeping’s visual and vocal material. Their new brand rectifies the shortfall of its predecessor and presents audiences with a stripped-back form and design; reflecting their fresh creative authority.

Keeping&Co. has revealed a new brand identity for 2018; pivoting their focus and creating a new vision for the studio, which involves a more quality driven and creative future — inline with their new look as ‘Keeping’.

Keeping is a design studio based in Bournemouth, that focuses on delivering forward-thinking experiences across all brand touch points through their strength in quality and intelligent design.

“Our aim is to connect inspiring brands to highly targeted audiences and communities through creative that is informed by strategy and a deep understanding of our clients’ objectives”.

Tom Keeping, Founder & Creative Director

The evolution

The company’s previous colour palette of “RGB” yellow blended into the background noise of the sub par web design companies littered across the UK.

The new brand has replaced this with a simple black and white statement — that plays into its more mature persona. Secondary colours that have been incorporated include slate blue and a lighter off-copper.

Understated sophistication with an elegant simplicity

An aim for Keeping’s new brand was to differentiate themselves from their competitors and make their mark in the creative industry; to be a beacon of understated sophistication with an elegant simplicity.

The physical embodiment of the studio’s focus to deliver beautiful design, with purpose.

Redefining their purpose

Keeping is now a leading design studio, aiding in the production of creative brand campaigns that connect products, services and company qualities with different communities.

Research at the beginning of a campaign alongside an inherent understanding of the brands that they work with establishes a clear end goal: informing the subsequent strategy, and forming a clear objective to help clear the chaos that follows within the design process.

Keeping thrives in this creative space, combining intelligent design thinking with a true understanding of a project’s strategic objectives and goals.

The design industry has a reputation of “making things look pretty” — believed by those who don’t understand the true power of building a narrative through design.

Keeping strives to break this understanding, taking a strong stance against those who ask for something “pretty”. They focus on the emotion of design production and how they can engage audiences in the fleeting and crowded world of advertising. A brand that makes this look simple never is.

Footnote from Tom Keeping, Founder & Creative Director

Some people have noticed that I wasn’t as ever-present at events over the course of 2017. There were a few reasons for this — and they’re all positive.

It’s been a crazy couple of years, and it’s amazing to think that I’ve been in the industry for nearly seven now. Over the course of that journey, I’ve learnt a lot and have begun to fully understand my own way of working.

I’ve developed techniques and processes which can only be adopted through experience, but I’ve only been in a position to do this by exposing myself to people far more successful than myself; at the cutting edge of the creative industry.

I count myself as extremely lucky to continue to have the privilege of spending such quality time with people that have so much insight, and Keeping wouldn’t be where it is today without it.

It’s hard to put my finger on “this feeling”, but I now feel I’m in a position to offer some of that value back, and I have my own insight to begin imparting upon others with confidence.

It took the fluctuation and instability of being a startup that had growing demand, to put the fundamental lessons in place that inform the foundations of our new beginnings as Keeping.

As a part of putting this new brand together, I’m really happy to say that we have gone through all of our processes and systems and pressed reset on everything.

One of the hardest parts of getting where we are today, was finding the right people to do it with. That’s what leads me to the biggest thank you of all.

I need to say thank you to the team. Without them, Keeping wouldn’t be the amazing studio it now is. I’m lucky to be surrounded by such a solid, senior, group of talented people that share a vision; which we will accomplish together.

Keeping — Our Story

