Never Again: A Short Story

Surbhi Gupta
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2024


What happens when a daily metro ride turns into a mysterious, fleeting connection? Read on.

Photo by Lukas Juhas on Unsplash

Shipra and Raghav used to take the same metro from their workplace. Shipra never noticed anyone around her; she was always engrossed in her book. It was just a 20-minute journey, or let’s say, two chapters of her favourite book.

The first time she noticed Raghav was because of his tall friend who was talking very loudly to him. He seemed to be of foreign descent. Shipra was amused to hear a foreigner speaking such fluent Hindi.

Perhaps Raghav also noticed Shipra that day. They never spoke to each other, just exchanged glances and a polite nod. Not that Raghav didn’t want to start a conversation; he was just too intimidated by Shipra’s ‘no-nonsense’ aura.

They used to get off at the same station, and Raghav often walked side by side with Shipra without saying anything. Shipra noticed this for a few weeks.

She enjoyed the attention of this stranger. And why not? Raghav was cute, fair, of average height, and extremely polite. He always dressed well and almost always had a cute smile on his face. Shipra developed a sort of crush on him.

So, one day, when Shipra couldn’t hold back any longer, she approached Raghav. Shipra initiated the conversation, and then there was no going back.



Surbhi Gupta

A learner, reader who is passionate about everything new, old, interesting and telling it to the world