Existence, Magpies and Love

Short Poetry on Deep Things

Jeff Burton
May 14, 2024


Photo by Chris Gresham-Britt on Unsplash


in the morning autumn sunshine,
with a garden
bedecked by magpies,
I can almost hear everything singing
in one glorious voice
of being


we are adored

held, as we are,
in the warm embrace
of our grandmother,

and, sometimes,
those calloused, ancient hands
feel rough
upon our tender, newborn skin,

but, we are adored

There Will Come a Time

There will come a time
when we will all sing,
not in isolated, fragile tones,
but in vast armadas of harmony,
with the birds,
with the beats
and the wind,
and the sky

And our hearts will be lifted,
raised up into the holiness
of all that is



Jeff Burton

An older Australian poet and author who ought to know better by now but does not. He expects to be famous after he is dead.