Shot #001: The Idea Starts in the Mind

Viljo Barry
3 min readJan 6, 2017

January 5, 2017 | Part 1 in the Power of Storyboarding.

A movie is created multiple times. First in the mind, then on paper, and finally on film. Each time is a chance to win or lose little battles of creativity. Storyboarding is a unique playbook that controls all three developments.

Below is one example of when I used a storyboard to frame the shot I wanted. First I created the shot in my mind’s eye, then drew a rough estimation of it according to the idea.

The top drawing is likely the second iteration of the natural idea, since my handwritten notes suggest I am into step two of storyboarding — inquiring whether my shot evokes the correct emotion. Or, as Mamet would say does my image convey what the audience needs in order to effectively juxtapose the next image in the sequence.

Next, I drew a third iteration of the approximate set layout so that my shot list would accurately reflect the needs of the scene. Below you will see a more refined drawing focusing on the key windows, where my actors will emote. Three frames — the door-frame, window-frame, and mirror-frame.

Through remaining focused and committed to storyboarding, I was able to heavily influence the final shot ensuring the outcome my mind’s eye created long ago. I am particularly proud of this shot. Sure, like all Directors I can see small flaws where I could have commanded the frame better, but, I love this shot. The darkness, the allure, all of it. Storyboarding was the difference.



Viljo Barry

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