Adapt Everything Around Yourself

Carmen Tang
Adaptability In the Office
2 min readSep 29, 2017

Although I’ve been mainly talking about adapting yourself to certain environments and situations, I never quite mentioned about the technology and techniques that are constantly evolving itself.

My colleague Jared mentioned in his blog post that “ If I simply had just accepted defeat and said, “I can’t do this,” I wouldn’t have been able to use this example in a work review”. I believe that Jared is inferring that since he adapted his mindset to believe in his capabilities,he was able to push through the conflict that he had run into in the workplace. I believe that brings up a great point in the endless change of technology and how we have to constantly chase after that change to keep up with all of these updates, new applications and softwares that are coming out.

Jared really stresses the importance of mindset in this blog post. He brings up these ideas of realizing that we can no longer rely on what we have believed in and instead:

  1. Try to learn soft skills before entering a workplace as even though you are to grow as you work, it is a head start into the business industry.
  2. Stop relying on everything that we have learned in school but instead use what is learnt from school and alter it based on yourself.
  3. Constantly remind yourself that you need to adapt to the continuous changes in the workplace.

Although knowing soft skills beforehand might be a great asset, what is the point if you aren’t continuously growing? As I enter each new workplace, a light bulb goes off in my head that says: Hey, what are you going to learn this time? I say that walking into the business industry without knowing anything can potential evolve us into something better. Hearing critiques, pinpointing our own weakness, getting by brick walls along the way, and getting past all of them is part of the progress and will only bring self-motivation to continue the progress. And when we reach our goals, our passion, that is when we look over to everyone else who was once in our shoes, and guide them our way.

Image taken from

Source: Kish, J. (2017, September 23). Using adaptability in the workplace — Adaptability: Important Workplace Skill — Medium. Retrieved September 28, 2017, from

