Couch to 5k — Week 1 Day 2

Laura Fagan
Should You Care?
Published in
1 min readApr 14, 2017

Just finished week 1 day 2 of #C25K® on #Android with @c25kfree! #everymomentcounts #run #running #health #fitness #workout

Today was a day of little victories, having crushed lot of personal records today. Although one thing that did really bother me today was my thighs. I’m not warning up properly, I guess. As soon as I started running today my thighs were tight and uncomfortable. So I think that comes from not stretching out enough before my runs. Overall I’m happy with my progress but I know I can do better.

Also, fun fact. S Health has decent running app built into it that helps encourage you and guide you. I was pretty impressed the way it kicked in. So I’d encourage people to give it a try if they have a Galaxy Phone.

