Should You Care? — Skincare!

Laura Fagan
Should You Care?
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2017

I think it’s time to do something new! So, this will be a review/first impressions of my


time using the Garnier Micellar Water. Now, I think anyone who’s anyone will have heard lots of this product by now! It is, of course, the Garnier Micellar Water. One of

The reasons why I was a little reluctant to try it was because what I’ve seen from other reviewers and Youtube Beauty peeps is that it’s a Makeup Remover. As you’ll all know, I’m not a makeup girl. Ain’t going to find any makeup tutorials on this blog I’m afraid!

In saying that though, I was running low on facial cleansers. So, it was time to think of a new cleanser to try out. No better time to go to my local Boots to try out something new. That’s where this Micellar water comes in! Right now, the 700ml bottle was only €7 in my local Boots.

So if you’re interested at all in checking it out for yourself you can find the Product Information here and the Boots link here.

My Skin

You know the way you go to your local makeup store or high street shop, and you get asked the immortal question: “What’s your skin type?” Yes? Well, I don’t have one. My skin does whatever it damn well wants. If you have been following this blog for any length of time, you will know of my period and hormonal woes. That has played a role in my skins behaviour, so I am never without pimples. So I would define my skin as acne prone. Even though it is never overly oily or dry, I have noticed more recently that my skin needs to be exfoliated more and more. So, I’d suppose that would mean my skin is a little dry lately? But that could change by tomorrow!

First Thoughts

The application is seamless, its a cotton ball dipped in the product and rubbed it on my face. Right now, it does seem to be cleaning my face as when you wipe you’re facing you can see a bit of the dirt and the grime from your face. However, I have noticed that you can feel that it’s a little sticky afterwards, but it does pass after a while!

I’m doing a mini YouTube series on my experience of it you can find out about it here! So be sure to keep up on how I’m getting on with it there. If you have any questions or if there is anything you’d like me to test let me know in the comments below!

