2017–02–27: What we are watching this week.

Kate-TU Miller
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2017

Week ahead for TU policies and priorities in DC.

Regulatory Rollbacks to EPA and other agencies and programs

Additional rollbacks and cuts to regulatory programs at EPA and other agencies — including Clean Water Rule — expected this week.

UPDATE: On Tuesday, Feb. 28th, President Trump signed an Executive Order to roll back protections for clean water. Click here to jump over to a post outlining what happened, what comes next, and what you can do to help.

If you are interested in some additional context of what we might expect, you can check out Mr. Pruitt’s presentation and interview at CPAC this weekend:

Presidential Address to Joint Session of Congress (Tuesday at 9pm ET)

POTUS address to Congress: First official address scheduled for Tuesday. Get your king cake and hurricanes ready and enjoy the show. Trump looks for a reset with his address to Congress: White House officials say Tuesday’s televised speech will highlight Trump’s executive actions and pass the ball to Republicans on the Hill (Politico). Watch live at whitehouse.gov here or at C-Span.org


Budget & Appropriations

  1. “Skinny Budget” Rollout expected this week: Proposed Trump Budget to Hike Defense Spending, Cut EPA (Bloomberg News 2/26)
  2. Approps Committess begin “Members’ Day” hearings: Several House Appropriations subcommittees, including those overseeing the Interior and Commerce departments, will hear from lawmakers about their priorities for the coming year. The “Members’ Day” hearings have long been a part of the appropriations process.

The Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee hearing is Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 10:30 a.m. in H-309 Capitol.

The Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee hearing is Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 1:30 p.m. in TB


House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry — Public Hearing RE: The Next Farm Bill: Conservation Policy (Tuesday 2/28 @ 10am)


  1. House Natural Resource Subcommittee on Water Power and Oceans will host an Oversight hearing on Western Water and Power Infrastructure: “Modernizing Western Water and Power Infrastructure in the 21st Century(Wed. 3/1 @ 10a), Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans will discuss how Congress can facilitate water and hydropower infrastructure projects.
  2. Senate Environment and Public Works Subcomittee hearing on Flood Control Infrastructure: Safety Questions Raised by Current Events” (Wed. 3/1 @ 10:30a). The Senate hearing, scheduled in response to the Oroville Dam crisis and other recent flooding events, will discuss the status of the country’s dam and levee infrastructure.

Confirmation News

Zinke / Secretary of Interior Confirmation

Confirmation of Representative Zinke as Secretary of Interior: Senate cloture vote scheduled for evening of M.2/27: confirmation vote expected by Wednesday;

  • Update: Final Vote Scheduled for apx. 10:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday, March 1st.

UPDATE: The Senate confirmed to confirm Mr. Zinke in a 68–31 vote. TU’s Statement is here: http://www.tu.org/press-releases/zinke-confirmed-as-interior-secretary

On the Horizon (on deck next week):

  1. Public Lands Fly-In Next Week
  2. HYDRO Hearing in House March 8th: House Energy and Commerce Hearing re: Hydro Licensing Process — Anticipated March 8th @ 10:00am.
  3. BLM Planning 2.0 — Congressional Review Act vote in Senate expected sometime this week or next. Action alert urging Senate to reject CRA reversal is here: Take Action for BLM 2.0
  4. Yakima Team Fly-in — end of March
  5. Chesapeake Bay Advocacy Day — end of March
  6. April Congressional Recess Upcoming (April 10–23rd): Look for updates to standup.tu.org with tools and resources for engaging with your elected officials during in-district work periods (eg: Townhall Finder from Town Hall Project).



Kate-TU Miller

Government Affairs Director for Trout Unlimited. Editor of ShoutForTrout, a publication for TU advocates. Twitter: @KmillerTU Visit: standup.tu.org