2017–03–06: What we are watching this week.

What we are watching in Congress and the Administration this week.

Kate-TU Miller
4 min readMar 9, 2017


Budget and Appropriations News

Cuts announced for several agencies — including EPA, Department of Energy and Department of Interior.

In his first few days as the new Secretary of Interior, Secretary Zinke indicates disapproval of the proposed cuts to Interior’s budget. Will keep watch on how the budget building process continues in the coming weeks.

Approps Committees “Members’ Day” hearings continue: Several House Appropriations subcommittees, including those overseeing the Interior and Commerce departments, will hear from lawmakers about their priorities for the coming year. The “Members’ Day” hearings have long been a part of the appropriations process.

  • W.3/8 @ 10a House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Member Day hearing
  • Th. 3/9 @ 2p House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA and Related Agencies, Member Day Hearing

Take Action at standup.tu.org: contact the President and your members in Congress to tell them that adequate funding for the federal natural resource agencies is vital to the conservation work of Trout Unlimited and to sound management of the nation’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.

For more on how TU staff and volunteers can support TU’s work in the Appropriations and Budget Process, check out this post, which outlines the process and opportunities for engagement.

Public Lands

TU Field Staff Visit D.C.

We are joined in DC this week by two of our TU Sportsmen Conservation Project leaders. Steve Kandell, SCP Director and Corey Fisher, SCP Policy Director, are here to meet with partners, legislators and agency staff to discuss key issues affecting TU’s interest in public lands — including our effort to fight back proposals to transfer management or ownership of America’s public land and ensuring continued protections for the Antiquities Act and National Monuments.

BLM Planning Rule (BLM 2.0) eliminated.

Congressional Review Act vote in Senate expected sometime this week. Action alert urging Senate to reject CRA reversal is here: Take Action for BLM 2.0

UPDATE: Congress voted to repeal the BLM Planning 2.0 Rule. The House passed a resolution to repeal the Rule last week (see story) and despite a valiant effort by many TU staff, volunteers, partners and several champions in both the House and Senate, the Senate followed the House’s lead and passed the same resolution this week in a 51 to 48 vote (see story).

  • For more on what happened, what it means for TU and what comes next, check out this post: {LINK — draft in development}


Several hearings last week and continuing this week related to infrastructure — status, needs and opportunities. TU is interested in the concept of a comprehensive infrastructure package to the extent that such a legislative package could provide opportunity for investment in drought solutions, improved connectivity at culverts and other stream passage barriers, and improvements to natural infrastructure solutions such as wetland and floodplain restoration.

See TU letter for the record, focused on western water infrastructure

We will continue to look for opportunities to engage in these conversations to promote sustainable and collaborative solutions to our nation’s infrastructure needs.

On the Horizon (on deck next week):

  1. HYDRO Hearing in House March 15th: House Energy and Commerce Hearing re: Hydro Licensing Process — March 15th @ 10:00am.
  2. Yakima Team Fly-in — end of March
  3. Chesapeake Bay Advocacy Day — end of March
  4. April Congressional Recess Upcoming (April 10–23rd): Look for updates to standup.tu.org with tools and resources for engaging with your elected officials during in-district work periods (eg: TU Guide to Townhall Meetings (bear with us, its still a work in progress!) or check for an event near you with the Townhall Finder from Town Hall Project).
  5. EPA Science Reform Hearing — Science, Space and Technology Th. 3/9 @ 9:30 AM, 2318 Rayburn

Recent, but still interesting:

Clean Water Rule Rollback: Last week, on Tuesday, Feb. 28th, President Trump signed an Executive Order to roll back protections for clean water. Click here to jump over to a post outlining what happened, what comes next, and what you can do to help.



Kate-TU Miller

Government Affairs Director for Trout Unlimited. Editor of ShoutForTrout, a publication for TU advocates. Twitter: @KmillerTU Visit: standup.tu.org