2017–07–31: The Week Ahead.

Kate-TU Miller
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2017

News from D.C. on issues and activities of interest to Trout Unlimited.

The House is in recess and Congressmen and women are headed home to their districts for August recess. The Senate remains in D.C. for a highly unusual extended session, originally scheduled to allow time for votes on health care reform. With the health care votes now behind us (at least for now), the Senate will pick up additional outstanding business in the next week or two, including processing nominations and holding committee hearings on a number of issues, including wildfires and drought. A list of scheduled hearings is provided below.

Clean Water Rule repeal: Public comment window now open.

The public comment window on EPA’s proposal to rescind the 2015 Clean Water Rule is officially open and will run for 30-days (ending on August 28th). TU urges you to take action by sending a letter to the record voicing your concerns. Visit the TU Action Center at www.standup.tu.org for additional information and access to a direct comment form.

  • Take Action:
  • More Info:

Nom-Dram: Appointments and Transition news of note:

  • US Department of the Interior, Deputy Secretary: David Bernhardt takes office on Tuesday, August 1st as deputy secretary at the Department of the Interior. Mr. Bernhardt formerly served in the Department as a solicitor during the George W. Bush administration and also served as a member of President Trump’s transition team.

Deputy secretaries often take charge of day-to-day operations for departments, while Cabinet secretaries take on more public roles.

Hearings This Week

  • Tu.8/1 @ 10a: [Superfund] Senate Environment and Public Works Committee oversight hearing on EPA’s Superfund program.
  • W. 8/2 @ 10a: [Drought] Senate ENR Subcommittee on Water and Power hearing to examine increasing water security and drought preparedness through infrastructure, management, and innovation.
  • Th. 8/3 @ 10a: [Wildfire] Senate Environment and Natural Resources Full Committee hearing to examine federal and nonfederal collaboration, including through the use of technology, to reduce wildland fire risk to communities and enhance firefighting safety and effectiveness. Watch hearing webcast and read testimony, here.

Wildfires have become increasingly destructive as communities have expanded into traditionally forested areas, weather patterns have changed, and forest managers, including USDA’s Forest Service, have not had sufficient resources to manage the land. While it seems like more money will be difficult to come by in the current political context, the hearing indicates that committee Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski is exploring other approaches to solving the problem. (Politico News)

On the Horizon:


Congress will be in recess from August 11 — August 31. Elected officials will be back home visiting with constituents, touring projects and reconnecting with their states and districts.

  • Get Engaged: To learn if your Senators or Representatives will be hosting town hall meetings or public events, check out thier website online or visit this great event locator from the Town Hall Project:

Just for Funsies:

MTV TRL revival to debut in October (Christopher Rosen, Entertainment Weekly). The dream of the late ’90s is alive on MTV. The network announced Sunday it will debut a revamped version of TRL, or Total Request Live, in October.



Kate-TU Miller

Government Affairs Director for Trout Unlimited. Editor of ShoutForTrout, a publication for TU advocates. Twitter: @KmillerTU Visit: standup.tu.org