[Advocacy] Conservation Funding and Congressional Appropriations

Protecting Natural Resources and Funding Conservation

Kate-TU Miller
2 min readJan 31, 2018


Topline Message for Hill Meetings:

Please support the strongest possible funding levels for conservation programs in the FY19 budget and appropriations process, including adequate funding for resource agencies.

What is the Issue?

While Congress continues to work toward finalizing a spending play for FY18, the White House is scheduled to release the Administration’s FY19 Budget Request on February 12th, which will outline the spending levels that the President would like to see across all of the federal agencies. Many of the natural resource agency budgets have been eroding over the past 15 years, and the current Administration and some in Congress are vowing to make steep cuts to federal agencies. It is important to let decision-makers hear your support for adequate federal funding at the beginning of the budget process.

** UPDATE: Here is a rundown of the FY19 Proposal relative to TU priorities.

Why this Matters for Trout Unlimited:

Federal resource agencies — such as US Fish and Wildlife, US Forest Service (more complete list outlined below) — provide essential services to protect, maintain and responsibly manage our public lands, waters, and fish and wildlife resources.

Strong funding essential to ensure that these agencies have staff and resources to manage parks, maintain trails and restore damaged habitat to promote healthier lands and waters.

Trout Unlimited volunteers and staff around the country are actively engaged in restoration projects and partnerships that rely on federal resource agency programs and staff to help spur investments — from repairing culverts on streams damaged from floods, to working with our agricultural partners to improve on farm water efficiency to increase instream flows — we are able to leverage federal program dollars with matching funds and volunteer investments to achieve incredible results.

These programs represent sound investments in the health of the watersheds that support fisheries resources. Many of these programs provide essential seed money for TU projects, which we leverage with private dollars, as well as state and other federal agency funding to amplify the value of these programs.

Talking Points:

  • Please reject continued cuts to conservation programs and agency budgets that are essential to support the conservation of America’s fisheries, lands, and waters.
  • Please support the strongest possible funding levels for conservation programs in the FY19 budget and appropriations process, including adequate funding for resource agencies.

In progress: Short statement about how the Appropriations process went and next steps in funding process for FY19. Kate will update and send during week of CR expiration prior to BOT meeting.




Kate-TU Miller

Government Affairs Director for Trout Unlimited. Editor of ShoutForTrout, a publication for TU advocates. Twitter: @KmillerTU Visit: standup.tu.org