National Monuments —

TU Response to Presidential order calling for review of dozens of National Monuments.

Kate-TU Miller
3 min readApr 26, 2017


(April 26, 2017)

What Happened: Earlier today, President Trump signed an executive order directing the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary Zinke) to review dozens of National Monument designations dating back to 1996. The purpose of the review is to identify Monument designations that should be eliminated or reduced in size.

Why This Matters for Trout Unlimited: National Monuments protect some of the Nation’s finest trout fisheries, such as the Arkansas River in Colorado and Jenny Creek in Oregon, a native redband trout stronghold.

The Antiquities Act, which authorizes designation of national monuments — is a critical tool for safeguarding dozens of America’s most important natural wonders and historical places — including exceptional fish and wildlife habitats that provide some of the best fishing and hunting in the country.

Monuments such as the Cascade-Siskiyou National monument in SW Oregon, or the Katahdin Woods and Waters in Maine, were celebrated by TU and our members for the strong resource values that are represented in those special places.

It is unclear what will result from today’s Executive Order, but the direction is deeply concerning.

“The process outlined in this executive order could start us down a path to jeopardize protected public lands important for hunters and anglers, such as Browns Canyon National Monument and Rio Grande del Norte National Monument,” said Corey Fisher, senior policy director for Trout Unlimited’s Sportsmen’s Conservation Project. “These are places that sportsmen and women have worked for decades to protect.”

TU and all sportsmen must respond vigorously to this threat by letting Secretary Zinke know that the Antiquities Act is a precious conservation tool that should not be undermined.

TU’s Response:

  • Blog post from Corey Fisher, TU’s Public Lands Policy Director, here.

What’s Next and What Can You Do:

The Executive Order calls for a review of various monument designations, but does not issue a specific directive on reversing or modifying the actions of former administrations. There is legal debate surrounding the extent to which the current president can reverse previous monument designations.

TU will continue to advocate against further rollbacks to programs and policies that protect our public lands and waters. For opportunities to get involved, please check out the following:

Take Action: Stand Up For National Monuments and Public Lands

It is critical that hunters and anglers speak up in support of this important tool for conservation

  • Sign the Public Lands Petition and let us know what public lands mean to you. These results will be shared with decision-makers to help tell the story of how significant these lands are to all Americans.
  • Own a business? Sign the Business Letter.

Further Information on National Monuments:

Want to learn more about the national monuments and the Antiquities Act?



Kate-TU Miller

Government Affairs Director for Trout Unlimited. Editor of ShoutForTrout, a publication for TU advocates. Twitter: @KmillerTU Visit: