How to Create SMS Enabled NodeJS App Within 5 Minutes

Madura Pradeep
ShoutOUT Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2017

What can you do within 5 minutes? Make a cup of coffee? Now you can create an SMS enabled application using ShoutOUT Lite SDK for Node JS, in less than 5 minutes.

Don’t believe me? Okay then, set your clock now. :) ( 0 min 0 second)

Create a folder for your nodejs app and go to that directory. Open a terminal.

  1. Create an App (0 min 30 seconds)

Give the application name and other details like version, author etc. (just press enter for default settings). In my case, the application name is mysmsclient.

2. Install ShoutOUT SDK (1 min 15 seconds)

This will download ShoutOUT SDK from npm (Node package manager. This will take some time to complete depending on your computer’s performance and network bandwidth).

3. Create a file name index.js in the directory (1 min 25 seconds)

4. Configure SDK (2 min 5 seconds)

Configure SDK in your index.js as follows. Paste your API key on the 3rd line, instead of ‘API_KEY’ (Check step 5 to obtain your API Key).

5. Get your API Key from your ShoutOUT Lite profile (3 min 50 seconds)

a. Go to tools

b. Click on Copy to Clipboard in API Keys section

6. Configure your SMS (4 min 35 seconds)

Change content, destination and source as required (Default source is “ShoutDEMO”. If you need to change that, you have to send a sender ID request from ShoutOUT Lite dashboard. In this 5 min tutorial, I will skip that step and use the default source)

7. Run the application (4 min 45 seconds)

Run the application. If everything is right, a message will be received to the destination number.

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