How to Use Text Messaging for Woocommerce

Jai Senathilake
ShoutOUT Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2021
Order Confirmation Text Message Alert for Woocommerce Websites

How familiar are you with the above SMS alert? Most of all, HOW are YOU familiar with this type of text message? The answer is twofold. You could be familiar with this SMS notification as a customer. In that case, the more familiar you’re, the better. It means that the businesses you’re purchasing from, are engaging their customers — that is you — right. On the other hand, you could be a business. Is your business familiar with this SMS alert? In other words, are you, as a business, sending this SMS alert to your purchasing customers? If the answer is a no, you’re not treating your customers right.

As the business, you know which stage the order is at, at a given moment. It is equally important that the customer knows the same. When they are aware of the order’s status, when they experience how you as a business makes an effort to not leave them in the dark, especially about something they spent their money on, trusting you, it enhances their trust about your business as well.

While this is an important part of customer service, customer management, and customer communication, you are not going to call each customer on their mobile phone at each stage of their order process. It is not only impossible, but also impractical. You could get order details messed up, lose some customers, and give it up all at the end of the day.

This is where the ideal solution of a text alert system for businesses comes to your rescue.

A text alert system for business will let you set up your woo-commerce website to automatically send text alerts to customers at each of their order process stages.

You might be a business that’s already using text messages for customers. But, the question is whether you are doing it right.

Look at the above text message notification in the image. Do your SMS alerts look and read the same?

A text message notification for a customer should go to their heart. For that, it should have these following features:

1. The message is sent using the name of the business — ‘Unique Store’.

The customer knows the text message is from your business. The chance is lesser for them to miss any SMS alert from you. So, the open and click rate is high.

2. The message speaks to the customer using the customer’s name — ‘Jenny’.

‘Dear Customer’ messages are not going to make your customers closer to your business. In fact, it is going to leave this valuable relationship at the initial customer stage itself.

3. The message contains the most important information — the order number.

The customer is instantly informed that their order is successful, using the most convenient mode of communication — text messaging. Important information like the order number is also included so that it is instantly accessible to the customer from their inbox, without needing an internet connection or third party app to check it. This is part of customizing and personalizing customer SMS messages.

4. The use of emojis

Forget that they are customers. They are also ordinary people who are just like you and I. We use emojis in all our text messages to better convey the message, and deliver the same feeling we experience, to the receiver. So, why not do the same with customers? Make them happy and excited about your business and its service!

Can you, as a business, say confidently that your text messaging strategy for customers is working the same way?

If not, then it’s time ShoutOUT became your business messaging partner! With us, send personalized and customized bulk text messages to engage your customers better! Thank us later!

Learn more by reading further on how to use text notification for Woocommerce.

