ShoutOUT Just Got Better! 🎊

Tharindu Dassanayake
ShoutOUT Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2017

The New ShoutOUT update is now live. It got better in collecting your customer data, creating beautiful and responsive emails and providing more insight into campaigns & customer actions. 🎶🎷

Last December we launched ShoutOUT Lite, a hassle free SMS API for developers to send SMS from their applications. And we didn’t stop there, over the last three months we worked hard on making ShoutOUT better and lovable😊.

We believe that in this era, data is everything. 💹Data assists you in understanding your customers better, and maintaining perfectly timed, personal communication with them. For these very reasons, we have made it easier for you to collect data from different sources and send targeted messages.👍

So let’s have a look on what’s new with ShoutOUT.💃

1. Bring all your customer data to one place ⛳

ShoutOUT People View

Is your business collecting your customer data right now? No? — Well then it’s time for you to start. Yes? — Are you really using the collected data for the betterment of your business?

Data will play a huge role in the future. 💯It has already started to display its value even now. Therefore, start collecting valuable data about your customers, manage them properly and start utilizing them.

ShoutOUT is here to make your life easy. It does not matter at which place or in what form you have your customer data at the moment. Be it on excel sheets, csv files to name a few. With our platform you can bring all your customers to one place with just a few clicks.💡

We have another good news for you — You can integrate your 3rd party apps to the ShoutOUT platform where you can collect the details of your customers through those as well. It can either be a Facebook lead ad campaign, a form which you provide at an event or even your website.

Learn more about our API here.

2. Create segments and target the right audience

Collecting data is good. But the real value of data comes when you convert them into useful information and use them.

The segmentation feature in ShoutOUT CRM platform will come handy in this case. You can categorize your customers based on their unique characteristics. This segmentation can be done as you prefer, based on the type of your business.

The best thing is that these segments are dynamically updating. When your customer base grows, the segments too will grow based on the characteristics. Easy right? You don’t have to worry about manual updates.

When it comes to marketing campaigns, you can use these segments to send the right message to the right group. Rather than doing general campaigns by sending emails/ SMSs to all the people in your database, targeting always gives you better results.

3. Create Beautiful, Responsive Email Templates ✏💌

ShoutOUT Email Editor

If you are thinking of a way to create beautiful emails or if you are fed up creating HTML templates, we have a solution for you.

The newest and the mostly loved feature in the new ShoutOUT release — The user friendly email editor.

Type the content, upload images, add URLs, call to action buttons — do all these in few minutes. Your emails will look lovely and the URLs and call to action buttons will direct your audience to your targeted goal. Simply, it’s awesome guys. We are sure you are going to love it.

It’s time to say “Goodbye” to traditional drag and drop email editors.

4. More Insights about Your Campaigns 📈📉

ShoutOUT Email Reports

For whatever you do, you should have stats to measure the performance.

ShoutOUT dashboard will provide you all the information about your campaigns. The open rates, clicked rates and bounced rates of all your email campaigns are notified in the ‘campaign’ view. And the possibility to track which individuals have really engaged with your campaigns will add so much of value.

Not just this — you can track individual customer actions in a timeline view by viewing separate customer profiles. This will facilitate a better understanding about your customers and then you can come up with some attractive business plans to address the trends which you have identified by analysing the profiles.

So need more reasons to love ShoutOUT? Why not try it for Free.

