Text Messaging for Healthcare in Medical Clinics

Jai Senathilake
ShoutOUT Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2021

Text messaging for healthcare — sometimes, it feels like there is no other industry like healthcare that is in need of text messaging. It is the most efficient way to manage communication between healthcare personnel and patients.

Doctors, nurses, healthcare authorities, patients and other related personnel need to be aware of the uncountable number of appointments, cancellations, rescheduling, etc. that is normal in any healthcare institute. But, the issue is, you need to pass this information to the relevant people, quickly and correctly. ‘Correctly,’ is an important term to consider here, because it is people’s health related information that you share.

This is where we need the ideal solution of a quick and correct method of communication.

Automated text messaging is not only quick, they are also more correct because manual intervention is minimal.

Doctor Appointment Confirmation Message

Send personalized text messages by including the name of the person. Include their custom information such as the booked doctor’s details, appointment date and time, place, appointment number etc. That way, they have all the necessary information in their inbox, whenever they want to have a look at it.

Doctor Appointment Confirmation Text message
Doctor Appointment Confirmation Text message

Easy Payment via Text Alerts

In the doctor appointment confirmation message itself, you can include a link to the online payment website or system.

Automated Patient Appointment Reminders

Send a reminder message on the day of the appointment to confirm whether the patient is going to visit or not.

Doctor Appointment Reminder Text Message
Doctor Appointment Reminder Text Message

Rescheduling Appointments via Text Message Alerts

Let patients reschedule the appointment for another time, using the same text message reminder.

Routine Checkup Reminders

Send automated medical check up reminders to patients registered at your medical clinic who visit you weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually etc.

Monthly Medical Checkup Reminder Text Message
Monthly Medical Checkup Reminder Text Message

Customer feedback via Text Messaging

Get people to give their feedback about your service, via SMS alerts. It may be a simple Yes and No quiz, it could be a link to an online questionnaire form.

Customer Feedback Text Messages
Customer Feedback Text Messages

As a medical clinic, using text messaging to communicate with your patients is one of the best decisions you can take to keep them coming back to you and make them recommend you to their friends.

If you want to send text messages to your patients simply from your desktop computer, you can checkout the ShoutOUT SMS Tool. If you have an app dedicated to your medical clinic where patients can book appointments, you can integrate the ShoutOUT API so that these SMS alerts will be sent automatically with relevant detail at each action.

