Saaraketha Increases Conversions With ShoutOUT URL Shortening (Case Study)

Jai Senathilake
ShoutOUT Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2021
Saaraketha uses ShoutOUT URL shortening

URL shortening is an essential feature that users look for in any SMS or messaging tool. The reason is, URLs take up a large number of characters, limiting any other text in the message, as text messages come with character limitations. This becomes an issue when it comes to including URLs in text messages. It is not like you can opt out of including a URL if you need to direct customers to your website through the SMS.

The ShoutOUT SMS tool comes with URL shortening (duh!). However, it is not just about URL shortening in general that I am gonna talk about in this article. In this post, you are going to get some valuable insights into how Saaraketha, a popular brand in Sri Lanka, was able to increase conversion rates using the ShoutOUT short links.

The Problem: Convenient Platform for Promotional Campaigns

Saaraketha promotes a wide range of healthy products that are organic, ethical and sustainably sourced. They include fresh produce, spices, heirloom rice, natural sweeteners, oils, bath & body products, spreads and dips, salads, breads etc.

Having such a vast array of products, Saaraketha wanted to update their customers whenever there was new stock, promotions and discounts, quickly and easily.

The Solution: Quick SMS Campaigns With URL Shortening and Click Tracking

Drive traffic and conversion through text message links

They selected the ShoutOUT messaging platform as the ideal tool to send text message campaigns without a hassle.

With the ShoutOUT SMS tool, they were able to get a unique Sender ID to send SMS campaigns under their own business name, as ‘Saaraketha’.

They set up SMS campaigns instantly as soon as they need it. Be it a promotion, discount, or new stock update, their customers are only one simple SMS click away.

In addition to being able to send out quick SMS campaigns, they also include URLs in the SMS content. As mentioned at the beginning, there is nothing to worry about the character limits in including online links. The reason is, the URLs can be automatically shortened in the ShoutOUT message compose box itself.

Easy link shortening

So, they often include short links in the SMS to their website or web pages. That way, customers can click on them and easily do online shopping.

The Success: URL Shortening and Click Tracking Increased Customer Conversions

Saaraketha could see a significant increase in conversions since they started using shortened URLs in their text messages. With the links in the SMS, they can facilitate their customers to quickly visit the relevant web page or website. This is much more effective than just sending out a text-only message, because relatively, a lesser number of customers will bother to find the online links by themselves. In contrast, when the link is right there alongside the tempting and attractive message content, more customers visit the website.


What makes the Saaraketha campaigns even more successful is the ShoutOUT SMS Campaign Analytics.

Yes! With ShoutOUT, you can check campaign data to monitor and analyze how your campaigns are performing.

Saaraketha could see that their customer conversions significantly increased by using the short URL feature. They can track how many SMS were sent, delivered, and how many people clicked the link in the text message.

Click tracking to monitor campaign success and customer behavior

What’s more, they can also track who clicked the links, with ShoutOUT.

In fact, this is a cool feature that gives ShoutOUT the edge over other URL shorteners such as the Bitly link shortener. Bitly links only provide you with analytics such as the number of link clicks in a text message campaign. The Bitly link creator misses out on which recipients clicked on the links, thus lacking important and valuable data and insight about campaigns as well as customer behavior. Well, if you were looking for a better Bitly alternative, now you know one!

What Does Saaraketha Say About ShoutOUT?

Saaraketha recommends ShoutOUT as a convenient platform, with good support from the team when they need it.

Moreover, they stated that they are planning to start a new brand. And, given the success rate and ease of campaign management they have been experiencing so far with ShoutOUT, they are planning to use ShoutOUT for the marketing purposes of that brand, too.

Well, that makes us as happy as we can be as team ShoutOUT, since we strive to provide a service that one user feels happy to recommend to others.

Interested in reading more case studies? Here’s one where a wedding ceremony used the ShoutOUT SMS tool to keep their guests up to date.

