Announcing Stick 2.0

Introducing a faster and more effective way to convert customers

Alli McKee
Show and Sell


Meet Stick 2.0, a modern presentation tool to help you build and deliver content that works.

Over the past few years, our team has worked with over 1000+ B2B sales and marketing professionals to try to crack the “PowerPoint problem.”

We’ve conducted thousands of customer interviews, built multiple products, and failed dozens of times so we could learn what to build (we’ve come a long way since then 😂). Stick 2.0 is the result of those learnings.

Our customers — and COVID-19 — have shown us that work is changing. The “future of work” is already here, and it’s faster, more mobile, and more data-driven than ever. With text-heavy slides and no real measurement tools, PowerPoint doesn’t fit into that future.

We need a new presentation format, and that’s why we’ve built Stick. 2.0 — interactive visual stories that convert.


You swipe, scroll, and double-tap through your Instagram feed so you can see content that’s increasingly relevant to you.

We think “presentations” should deliver the same experience: Audience-driven content navigation, real-time response collection, and “choose your own adventure” personalized paths.


You can see something faster than you can read bullet points about it.

We think “presentations” should rely more on visuals and less on text, so Stick 2.0 translates your text into company-ready visuals: Visual Grammar system, Visual Vocabulary libraries, and faster slide construction with Smart Layouts.


Your email inbox overwhelms you with information overload, but your Instagram feed entertains you with stories you enjoy.

We think “presentations” should deliver the same information, but by being more entertaining and less overwhelming. Stick 2.0 ‘translates’ your information into stories: PPT content import and classification, proven narrative structures, and objective-based content recommendations.

“that convert”

You AB test landing pages to optimize every detail, but when it comes to presentations you just send and wait.

We think presentation content should benefit from data-driven approaches, too: Content performance measurement, augmented story authoring, and conversion optimization.

This is just the start. It’s a big problem untangling 30+ years of user behavior with PowerPoint, but we’re committed to building better tools for the future of work than the ones we inherited.

Today, we’re starting to accept teams to the private alpha of Stick 2.0. If you’re interested in joining early and helping us shape the future of presentation software, sign up here or drop us a note at

We can’t wait to work with you.

Alli McKee, Founder CEO



Alli McKee
Show and Sell

CEO and Founder, - Illustrating Ideas in real time with NLP + ML. Painting and Improv on the side. TEDx Stanford.