Discover your Brand’s Visual Personality

Alli McKee
Show and Sell
Published in
1 min readSep 20, 2018

While consumer companies obsess over their brand, too many B2B companies don’t give it the attention it deserves.

But with more products than ever on the market, your brand matters. It’s how you break through the noise to even get the chance to talk about your product. Without it, you get lost in the noise.

That’s why we built the B2B Brand Personality Quiz to help you identify a visual style that helps you deliver a clear, consistent message to your customers. Give it a spin!

Note: A bit more on the methodology, inspired by a Stanford course I helped TA with Jennifer Aaker and Chris Flink called Building Innovative Brands. More on Aaker’s Brand Personality model here or a more visual video below:

Once you get your results, let us know what you think!

About the Author: Alli McKee is the CEO and Founder of Stick — a communication platform built for B2B Sales and Success teams to illustrate ideas automatically in real time, to have better conversations with their customers. For more, visit



Alli McKee
Show and Sell

CEO and Founder, - Illustrating Ideas in real time with NLP + ML. Painting and Improv on the side. TEDx Stanford.