We prototype products, so why not Presentations? 🔥

Introducing Strike — a little tool to help you prototype your presentations

Alli McKee
Show and Sell
1 min readOct 5, 2018


Building a deck is daunting.

When you finally get going, you end up piling on slide after slide. But the more you add, the more the storyline gets lost.

After spending hours, you have to start over, confused as to what you were trying to say in the first place. 😖

We know. We’ve been there.

But… 🤔 What if we could do it differently?

We prototype our products. So why can’t we prototype our presentations?

Thanks to Henrik Kniberg for the illustration

That’s why we’ve built Strike — a little prototype to help you “strike up” your sales story. 🔥

No more spinning. No more 👀 staring at blank slides.

Just a few quick questions designed to help you tighten your messaging, and see your 💡 visualized right then, right there. Then get a prototype presentation built in your brand, automagically. 🔮

👉 Give it a try!



Alli McKee
Show and Sell

CEO and Founder, Stick.ai - Illustrating Ideas in real time with NLP + ML. Painting and Improv on the side. TEDx Stanford.