March for Science
Show Some STEMpathy
2 min readOct 4, 2017


Dear School Boards and Administrators

We are reaching out to ask for your support for science education in our schools. As high school students, we appreciate the role of schools in encouraging the growth of future scientists. We believe schools play an important role in fostering a positive and productive environment for students to build a strong background in science. Schools need to prepare their students for the future — a future that definitely includes science.

All educational organizations should understand the importance of science and evidence-based learning. Decisions based on misinformation, suspicion and/or prejudice should not be allowed in any domain of modern society — especially in the classroom. We believe it is the responsibility of our schools and educational institutions to help teach us this.

We now look to you for your help. We ask three things of you:

  • Give us opportunities to engage in science and give our teachers the resources they need to make this possible.
  • Support educational standards that are based on scientific evidence, not personal beliefs. Update the science curriculum to better prepare us for a world where science is critical to our jobs, health, and the safety of our planet.
  • Don’t give us dates to memorize in civics class; instead, show us what it means to be an active participant. Encourage us to engage in advocacy so we can make our voices heard — this starts with our school board.

Help us to promote science and advocacy to all students and encourage them to support STEM fields in schools, in society, and in policy — now more than ever.

Support and trust in science are not just important, they are vital to our identity and future. We believe it is the role of educators, administrators, parents, and board members to make sure that we are offered the opportunity to excel and explore all avenues of academic possibility. Every year, with every new group of students, schools have an opportunity to prepare us for the future. You can help make that a reality by encouraging science education in our schools.

Please don’t let us down.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us at Thank you for helping to protect our future.


Students for Science

To learn more about making your voice heard, visit us at our website. To take action, sign and share our petition to safeguard science in our schools, communities, and futures.

