5 Tips to Give your Visiting Friends a Good Experience in your City

Do it as a 5-star local guide; whereas you feel like it or not

Gladys Carmina
Show Your City


Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

I have made several international friends from living abroad in France and relocating to Canada; also from being a tour guide for a free walking tour company.

One of my dreams was to have international friends to come over their places to visit and travel. I didn’t realize their dream was exactly the same.

I have been lucky to be visited by my friends in every country I have decided to live in Mexico, France and Canada.

This takes me back to the night before meeting my friend in a place I am supposed to know well as I am living there (for short time, but still).

Oops. How do I explain I haven’t been to the most tourist places or haven’t been to so many restaurants as I prefer saving money eating at home?

Or on the contrary, you know the city so well that you can’t decide where to take them first because there’s a lot to do and see but your friend is short of time.

Two different situations when friends are visiting:



Gladys Carmina
Show Your City

Get creative: gladyscarmina.substack.com 🌸Fibre Artist, writer and arroz de todos los moles🩷