A Wander Through Bamberg

One of Europe’s most beautiful towns.

Anne Harrison
Show Your City
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2021


Strolling along the river into town © A. Harrison

Strolling along the River Regnitz into Bamberg, the gentle gurgling of the river accompanied my footsteps. Small wooden boats bobbed on their moorings, and the real world seemed so far away. Gorgeous gardens stretched down to the water, each filled with flowers, vegetables, and even smoke-houses. Behind them stood old timber houses, each one lovingly maintained. Wild flowers grew along the verge. Anything could be happening out in the wider world and I’d have no idea, safely ensconced in this peaceful bubble.

This part of Bamberg is called Kleine Venedig (Little Venice), the old fishermen’s houses beautifully restored. It lies between the Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) and the Alte Schlachthaus (or Old Slaughterhouse — the cow above the portal is a hint).

Details of buildings; and old water pump; the Altes Rathaus © A. Harrison

Unsurprisingly, Bamberg is considered one of the most beautiful towns in Europe. The history of this Bavarian town dates back to the 9th century, but it was officially founded in 1007. Buildings lean…



Anne Harrison
Show Your City

At 10 I discovered travel, books and philosophy. Now I pass my days with a camera in one hand, a notebook in the other, looking for the perfect coffee.