
Capital of South Australia.

Peter Miles
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Adelaide location within Australia. Image — Wikimedia Commons.

Adelaide, the city where I live, was founded in the 1830s by the British Government as a colony. There was already a whaling station and a tent city established on nearby Kangaroo Island but the site of Adelaide on the mainland was chosen as the future capital of South Australia.

The decision was based on the site having a freshwater river flowing across a wide open plain, with nearby hills for additional timber and water sources, while still being close to the coast for shipping.

The Adelaide Plains and parts of the Adelaide Hills are home to the indigenous Kaurna People, they have been here for thousands of years and are still here. (Pronounced Garr-na).

Adelaide is a planned city, the site chosen and its streets being surveyed by the first Surveyor-General, Colonel William Light, with the first stone house built in the late 1830s. The city centre is one square mile in size and is surrounded by parklands which provide a pleasant green buffer in the built environment.

Local history tells the story that the early European residents of Adelaide used to have a joke at Colonel Lights expense, that you would need a horse and buggy just to travel from one side of the street to the other, they were so wide. But Light had seen the congested streets in the large cities of Europe and could…



Peter Miles
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45 years in Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. in Wildlife & Conservation Biology. Writes on Animals, Plants, Soil & Climate Change.