Hometown and Lost Youth

Remembering the hometown & About this publication

Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
Show Your City


Our hometown is our sincere friend. We leave it for our future life but it keeps calling us. Whenever we meet it, it opens arms for us and its hug touches our soul. It always keeps our dream saved and fresh and never let them die. It laughs and cries with us. It takes us to the streets where we spent our youth. We feel like a bird whose wings have been weakened by the time but our friend, our hometown, reminds us the time when we used to have high flights in the vast sky. It reminds us of our first love and presents us the tears shed for our lost love. It whispers like a beloved: “ Hey, those tears have become jewels.” We search our old friends but they have already flown away in search of new nests. We don’t find friends but our hometown doesn’t leave us alone and sad. It has lot of stories and memories to please us.

I love to quote Henry Wadsworth Longfellow who expressed his love for his hometown in a way that we all love. Here is his poem:

My Lost Youth

Often I think of the beautiful town
That is seated by the sea;
Often in thought go up and down
The pleasant streets of…



Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
Show Your City

His short stories are well-recognized internationally for his unique prose style. nasar_peace@hotmail.com