Mexico City — Expectations vs Reality

Is this city really as terrifying as everyone makes out?

Sh*t Happens - Lost Girl Travel
Show Your City
Published in
6 min readApr 19, 2022


Me enjoying a fiesta on a trajinera on Xochimilco Canal, Mexico City (Photo credit to Joseph Mitchley)

The announcement that you are heading to Mexico is often met with curiosity and excitement, but almost always with a tinge of fear and trepidation. Trembling lips quiver the sentiment to “be careful” and “stay safe”. I tried to bat these away with the news that we are traveling to some of the safest places in Mexico — Oaxaca, the Chiapas, and the Yucatan, the tourist hotspots. A sigh of relief follows the words, “Oh good! So, you’re not going to Mexico City then?” “Oh… erm… erm... well… about that…”

We flew into Mexico City and stayed for a few days. We thought we’d rather see it for ourselves than be cowardly and get in and get straight out. I was quite excited after reading up on what to do there.

However, I wasn’t as excited about it as I could be, seeing as a lot of what I’d heard was negative. It usually involved one of the following things, mugging at gunpoint, pick-pocketing, drug cartels, violence, corrupt police, murder, kidnapping, and its younger cousin express kidnapping (where a taxi will at gunpoint drive you to a cash point and make you take out all of your money, then leave you at the side of the road) just to name a few.



Sh*t Happens - Lost Girl Travel
Show Your City

Hi! I’m Georgie and I share travel stories of when sh*t happens. I think that sometimes the worst things that happen to you traveling, are often the funniest