“3+4 quarantine policy” attracts more business travelers to visit Taiwan

ShowEasy Global
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2022

The outbreak of COVID-19 was a catastrophic and memorable event in 21st century history: numerous innocent lives had left us, tons of economic damages which still can’t be recovered, and other harms to human beings and our society. These negativities had changed our lifestyle, perspectives, and how the environment that our next generation will be living in. However, after more than two years of living with the virus, we can start to see and to feel that our lives are getting back on track these days.

Photo by Pam Menegakis on Unsplash

Since the negative impacts of this pandemic had started to influence less to people’s lives and industries from different domains, most people are ready to get back into the game and to take back the loss that they have lost during these two years. For example, some of the biggest, most representative, and most impactful B2B tradeshows will be held in Taiwan in the second half of 2022. TaipeiPLAS, iMT Taiwan, SEMICON Taiwan, Automation Taipei, Healthcare Expo Taiwan and other important B2B tradeshows from different sectors can be found from Taipei to Kaohsiung.

One of the reasons that the tradeshow industry is eager to get back into the game is that Taiwanese government has shortened the quarantine days for the arrivals to a “3+4 days quarantine policy” instead of “7+7 days quarantine policy” since June 15, 2022. This change will be an absolute booster for business travelers, which included exhibitors and foreign manufacturers, to visit Taiwan. We can tell from the rising number of arrivals since March 7, the first time that the Taiwanese government had shortened the quarantine days in 2022. Not only had the quarantine days been shortened, the total amount of arrivals per week allowed had increased up to 40,000. We can also imagine that this adjustment will have effects on the airline industry, the escalation of the number of arrivals means more flights can be arranged per week.

Photo from SEMICON Taiwan

Nevertheless, the change of quarantine days policy and the raise of allowed arrivals had brought Taiwanese people and others who want to visit Taiwan some hopes that our lives will be just like the one we had before the pandemic.

Other updates please check the website of Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China(Taiwan): https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-220-5081-c06dc-2.html



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