Six ways white people can help end the War on Black People

With the recent brutal murders of Black people by police officers in Baton Rouge LA, the Twin Cities, MN, Washington, DC, Asheville, NC — and so many other places — it is time for white people to take even more action.

Here are six concrete ways to move yourself and the white people in your life into action.

  1. Give to Black-led organizing for Black liberation. A list of suggested organizations is available here.
  2. Join the SURJ chapter near you. There are over 150 SURJ chapters organizing for for Black Lives across the country. If there isn’t already a chapter near you, start a new chapter. We can help you get started. On Facebook here.
  3. Join a national meeting by conference call Tuesday July 12th to connect with others, hear from local organizers in Baton Rouge and the Twin Cities, and discuss plans for nationwide mobilization. Register even if you can’t make the live call. We’ll send you the notes afterwards.
  4. Hold a house meeting. Gather your friends and neighbors this weekend to talk about what is happening and what we can do. If you can’t host at home, a picnic table in the park or coffee shop will do. A guide to support you is available.
  5. Organize a canvass to talk to other white people on their doorstep about what is happening and bring them into the movement for Black lives. Never done it before? It’s ok, we’ve got a toolkit that will help you get started. We also host weekly calls for coaching and support.
  6. Join us in the streets. Now is the time for white people to be visible, courageous and relentless in our public opposition to racism and the state-sanctioned murder of Black people. There are no bystanders when the business of police murder is funded with our tax dollars and runs with our silent consent, and when police union contracts keep police officers who kill from being held accountable. Black people and people of color are targeted by the police and racist vigilantes everyday in their homes, cars, schools, workplaces and in the street. It’s time for white people to say enough is enough publicly and powerfully. If there’s no one in your community protesting, you can start. All you need is two friends and some signs. Email us at if you need support.
Madison SURJ shuts down Janesville, WI Holiday Inn where Trump was scheduled to speak in April

