
Rapti Gupta
SHPOOKIES — Short Horror Stories
2 min readAug 1, 2022

Why do I drink so much?

I’ve been drinking for the last 3 days continuously. Hanging out with this lot is fun but I really shouldn’t be drinking this much. This weekend’s now a waste.

Tomorrow is not going to be good. Hangovers hit different when you’re over 30! I gotta stop behaving like this frat-brat.

It’s 1.30 AM?! I gotta rush. I’m going to drink a gallon of water as soon as I get home. My head’s throbbing, ugh!

Wait, this graffiti is new…

Ben stopped to admire one graffiti art on the old warehouse wall. A little girl sat with her jump rope, her back towards you. She wore a bright pink t-shirt and blue pants. Her hair was tied in two small ponytails and the rope lay beside her. The way she was sat; it looked like she was tired of all the skipping.

The art was nothing extraordinary. But somehow it beguiled him to stay and stare.

Is her head moving?

Ben thought he saw the girl’s head turn towards him just a little. He rubbed his eyes.

Nothing. No one.

NO! It can’t be. How drunk am I!

My brain and liver, both are giving up on me. Well, at least the boring warehouse walls have some colour now.

“tap tap tap tap”

What’s that sound?

“tap tap tap tap tap tap”

As Ben walked, he heard taps that matched his stride. Sounded like someone skipping rope. It always stopped when he stopped. He looked behind.

Nothing. No one.

Okay this is creepy! I gotta rush home.

Ben quickened his stride.

“tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap”


He crossed the old lady’s tailor shop — shutter was down.

He also passed by the neighborhood school compound.

He passed the garbage truck with its big stinky behind, shut.

That graffiti of the girl with her jump rope kept appearing every where!

It was dead silent except for the sound of his heart booming in his ears and the “tap tap tap” that matched his pace.

Ben sprinted up the stairs and ran through the corridor as fast as he could.

“tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap”

He quickly unlocked the door, went in and shut it loud — BANG! — behind him.

What the hell was that!?

He looked through the peephole to see if he was being followed.

Nothing. No one. That dead quiet.

“tap tap tap tap” the sound came, this time closer.

A little girl giggled right behind him in the darkness of his house.

