Adulting sucks!!!

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6 min readFeb 24, 2021

The past hour, the only sound that filled the apartment lobby was the thudding and creaking of the apartment door. After a violent battle, finally, the door opened. Dev and Diya entered the house exhausted.

“Phew, I am super tired. what a long day it has been” said Diya stretching her legs out.

“oh yes. For the past hour, I was the one to be fighting with your stupid door while you kept making lame jokes and laughing louder than the creaking of your door. How many times did I tell you to get it fixed?. Never listen.” Dev vented out

“Sorry yaar. I have been meaning to get it fixed but never had time. Chill!!. Let me grab some beer.” Said Diya with her puppy face.

Diya brought some beer from the fridge and they walked to her balcony and settled on the couch. They sat in silence as the wind caressed their hair and drowned in a flood of memories. Dev and Diya had known each other since kindergarten and also went to college together.

“So this is it na. Four funtastic and frustrating years of college finally comes to an end. We are finally grown ups…ADULTS!!. We can decide things on our own and live life just like we want” said Diya with glowing eyes

Dev looked at Diya in silence for a moment and said with a smirk, “You think so?. Definitely not. True that we are adults but living life on our own terms is only good for WhatsApp DP. Didn’t you hear Deepak ranting about how his parents are forcing him to go for a job even though he wants to pursue a PG degree?”

“Yea poor kid. Why can’t we do what we want to do?. After all, it’s our life. No matter what my dad says, I am going to take up some photography internship and this time if you take his side, I will kill you for sure.”

“Okay, but he has a point. You can’t earn much and there won’t be a stable income. Maybe you should listen to him and consider some other job. You can always do photography as a hobby.”

Diya always got heated when someone tells her that she won’t be able to do something. “Shut up. Since when did you start thinking pragmatically and also what about your filmmaking dreams. Remember how back at school, you used to write long essays about your dream to become a filmmaker every time we had that ‘what’s your ambition ‘ question. Don’t tell me you are going to take up a bank or some boring job. Yuck I can’t even imagine” Diya laughed at Dev mockingly

Dev chose silence and didn’t say anything. He was lost in thoughts about how he used to watch a movie every week and even took notes diligently. Diya patted his arms and brought him back to reality. “ Which world are you in?. I expected a long lecture about how we are not kids anymore and we need to be responsible adults so that I can instantly sleep” Diya continued pulling his legs

“Haha very funny. But yes we need to be responsible adults. Your bestie Prajan already got his offer letter and was bragging about it the whole night” said Dev sarcastically

“ Now Prajan has become your role model? Seriously?. He studied engineering and now wants to work in a BPO. Then why did he even choose engineering? And by the way what has gotten into you tonight. Full on ‘daddy conversations’ you are doing”

Dev again went back to his battling brain and thought about how he was quite creative and always had a mind of his own since childhood. When he was in school, he used to pen down poems and stories and actively took part in all competitions. His parents did not permit him to go to arts college so Dev and Diya both chose engineering and the only thing which excited them during their college was the photography club. That is where they got to experiment and learn. Diya was pretty determined to pursue photography as her career but Dev feared failure and disappointing his parents.

Diya kicked Dev and asked, “ Are you okay?”

“No, it’s just that everyone around is curious about our future plans. Family WhatsApp group is flooded with “what’s next” texts and even our friend’s group name has been renamed as “what’s next”.There is too much pressure.” Said Dev

“Of course everyone is interested in our lives. But just because people around us are constantly asking us about our future doesn’t mean we have to do something just for the sake of pleasing them. I know you are interested in filmmaking and you are actually good at it as well. Don’t fall prey to the expectations of the world.” Said Diya in a gruff tone.

“ it is all easy to say. You are a girl, so people don’t really expect you to earn well or anything. But for guys, it isn’t like that. We need to be at a respectable job and earn well. My dad had “the talk” yesterday. He told me how he started out as a team leader and worked hard to become the manager”

Diya interrupted him, “Oh oh wait. Is this the reason for your sudden enlightenment? Common I know that guys generally have that pressure to be financially stable and it is a sign of their manliness and all that shit but we are in 2021. Nowadays I don’t think girls really want a guy who is rich. We are financially independent as well. So definitely money isn’t gonna be criteria for a prospective gentleman. Just forget all this and concentrate on your passion. Talk to your dad. Tell him that you will try for a year or two. If it doesn’t work you will go for the so-called respectable jobs. I will talk to him.”

“ Let’s see,” said Dev passively

“No ‘ Let’s see’ and all, please. I know you are scared of taking a decision on your own and failing. I know you don’t want to be that 30-year-old, sad guy who regrets his life. But that is the exact same reason why I am telling you this. Life is all about having a dream and working hard to achieve it. I am sure you are capable of working hard. You have all the talent. For god’s sake don’t waste another 2 years doing something without interest like our degree. We both know that we hated the past 4 years. Is that how you want the rest of your life to be?”

Dev with a deep sigh said, “ Yea, I can’t even imagine. I am saying this for the first time in my life. you are right. We have always been passionate about our dreams and we should chase them. I will speak to dad tomorrow. I hope he understands”

“Definitely he will. And for the first time, I am agreeing with you. Yes, I am always right. Don’t worry if nothing works out, I will appoint you as my personal assistant once I become a famous photographer Or like how Chandler pays Joey’s bill, I will pay yours.” Said Diya with a sheepish smile
Dev was finally feeling the war in his head come to an end while the true victory was for his heart. “How happy we were as kids. All we had to worry was about missing our favourite cartoons and the only conflict we had in our head was which chocolate to eat. We should have never grown-up”

“ But I am still a kid,” said Diya with a wide smile

Dev goes back to reminiscing about how it is true that Diya has kept the inner child in her alive. She has always been the adamant kid who always got what she desired and even now she is determined to achieve her goals. She never paid any heed to other peoples opinions and did what she loves no matter how crazy it is. Even when it comes to their friendship, she always gets on his nerves but always had his back. How nice it would be if everyone didn’t let the tiring adulthood rob away the childlike curiosity and enthusiasm.

