Khiri Bhoga near Shri Alarnath

Aditya Mohapatra
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2018

Once,the Sevak of Shri Alarnath had to go to the neighbouring village for some unavoidable and important work.Before leaving,he instructed his son to offer Khiri(Kheer-A milk delicacy) to Shri Alarnath and left for his work.The son did not knwo anything regarding the Puja procedure.Anyhow he carried the Khiri in a plate and kept it infront of Shri Alarnath and closed his eyes to remember Shri Alarnath.When he opened his eyes,he found the plate empty.He returned home with the empty plate and described the entire event to his mother.His mother didn’t believe in his story.She couldn’t sleep the entire night anticipating any trouble.The next day she sent the son with Khiri and hid behind the Murti of Shri Alarnath.The moment the son prayed to Shri Alarnath,he bent down to eat the Khiri.The mother was horrified to see This.Shri Alarnath was startled and the hot Khiri burnt his face and hands.These burn marks are visible even today.It is believed that Shri Alarnath himself eats Khiri here,therefore the Khiri Bhoga is very tasty and famous.



Aditya Mohapatra

Young,enthusiastic writer who aims to exercise the freedom of expression to the fullest,without misusing it.