Political Cartoon Assignment

Shrikar V
Shrikar’s Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2020

Political cartoons have been a staple feature of many newspapers, and bring humor even to the darkest moments in history. Political cartoonists use this art form to give their opinion of current events while also adding some humor to the news. These cartoons are especially impactful in times where the country or world is in turmoil, as they appeal to people who are tired of hearing negative news and even makes fun of those events.

President Trump’s tweets are a staple of recent news, usually because they contain incorrect facts or information. Recently, Twitter has introduced a feature where they mark tweets that have incorrect information with a link to the actual facts. The above cartoon is very relatable to anyone who follows American news, as many of them are tired of seeing Trump tweeting lies about the coronavirus pandemic. It also appeals to the reader’s sense of humor, by including a tweet by Trump that is similar to his usual style of tweeting, but also seems like something he would actually say. Many Americans are currently annoyed at Trump and his base for spreading lies through social media, so they can relate to the point this cartoon makes about “getting the facts” about what Trump says. The cartoonist’s point of view is accurately conveyed, as the most prominent part of the cartoon is the sentence over Trump’s head, which makes it very clear that most people know he is lying and are tired of it.

In the last few years, there has been a lot of discussion about whether using elements of other cultures is offensive, or counts as “appropriation.” Cultural appropriation is when one culture uses elements from another culture for themselves. Sometimes, this is a valid point, like when someone wears clothes from another culture that still is practiced around the world without crediting them. On the other hand, many people involved in “activism” go too far sometimes when classifying something as appropriation. The cartoonist seems to think that this kind of activism, or “cancel culture”, is unnecessary, as he explains that some people have an issue with something as simple as a graduation robe, which is a historical tradition. The cartoonist has given the activist character a beard and a tie-dye shirt, which is a common portrayal of “hippies”, to explain that they believe people with these kinds of views are too extreme. The cartoonist also has given the person on the left an annoyed expression, signifying the way many people feel about this topic.

Political cartoons are made to appeal to people who are tired of hearing the same types of news over and over again. To be effective, they have to appeal to popular beliefs, while also adding some flavor to the news. Cartoonists use parodies of common stereotypes in order to make their cartoons relatable and engaging to the audience.

